Be sure to check the bottom of page as we are transferring the old web page to this one constantly.
37,560 visits as of 8.23.23

Non-Profit Animal Rescue EIN #20-3572229
Washington State Charities Program: Reg. No. 24774 / Charity No. 1478235
Member: Kindred Hearts Transport Connection
Visit our Facebook page at
Pioneer Veterinary Clinic
827 Sharon Avenue
Moses Lake, WA 98837
(509) 765-6794
Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary is a 501(c)3 non-profit animal sanctuary located in Moses Lake, WA since 1996. We became a non profit in 2005 We rescue elderly, abused and disabled animals of all types, and WE DO NOT ADOPT OUT. Once we accept an animal it remains with us for the rest of its life. Because of they type of animals that come to us our Veterinary bills are extremely high. As we do not adopt out we have very little "income" from the animals that call us "home". All donations should go DIRECTLY to our Veterinarians.
We have received animals from owners, shelters and Veterinarians in Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Arizona, Florida, Massachusetts, Hawaii, North Carolina and even Taiwan.
All donations are appreciated far more than you can realize - and there is no donation that is too small !!!


Benny came to us from Maui, Hawaii at the age of 16 in mid 2016. He spent the first 6 or 7 years of his life in a cage at a breeders house. He was then rescued by a Maui sanctuary, where he spent then next 10 years inside, in a room, with 2 other cats. Benny remained feral his entire life. He had never felt the warmth of the sun on fresh grass, or laid peacefully in the grass and dirt.

Benny was flown to us in the last days of his life. Unlike dogs, who can be re-homed at any age, cats cannot. They will most often choose to die. Knowing this, we decided to let Benny, for the first time in his life, enjoy the summer sun and warm grass. He would walk close to visit with us when we were outside, and he loved being with our other outdoor cats. But his favorite spot was under the evergreen tree, where the sun shone through the branches. Every morning while walking the dogs in the yard, Benny would sit peacefully, in the sun, watching. His eyes were filled with awe and wonder - experiencing that which he never had before. The outdoors.
As the days passed Benny began to let us get closer and closer, touching his tail, then his head. And then one day he let us pick him up. Because he was feral (wild) nobody had ever held Benny before. He had never experienced ear rubs, and gentle touches. And he purred.

Many years ago, when we were new in rescue and had llamas and alpacas of our own, we were asked if we could help trim the nails
of a llama owned by an elderly lady. After our initial meeting with Marie (Margarete) Hunter we loaded our llama chute onto the truck and headed to her home. Her llama was a large white guy who shared her back yard with her other beloved critters.
We loaded him into the chute, which was no easy task as he had never been in one, and proceeded to get his feet back in shape, and trim some of his long wool. Marie stood with us the entire time, talking to the big man and calming him. Nobody was spit on! Once the trimming was complete Marie invited us into her house for refreshments and a snack. Marie was from Germany and had the most wonderful accent, and as it would turn out a great love of animals and a superb sense of humor.

From the living room we were able to see her large room of birds. All kinds of birds. Parakeets, canaries,
parrots, finches - all of which were housed in immaculate cages and chirping up a storm. Moving about the
house were her beloved Pugs, each one carrying a baby pacifier in its mouth. Once we finished our snack we moved to her living room where we sat and talked. Marie asked her dogs if they would like a snack, and that's all it took. They lined up in front of the sofa like a small army - pacifiers still in their mouths. As Marie took a single snack and gave it to the first pup, he ate it and moved to the other end of the line. We chuckled. The next dog received its snack - and proceeded to the other end of the line. As each dog received its treat it picked up its pacifier and moved to the other end of the lineup! This continued until each pup had received two treats.
As we sat talking the telephone rang - and from the Bird Room came the command to "ANSWER THE PHONE MARIE!". One of Marie's parrots was instructing her as to the proper procedure when the phone rang. This was the beginning of a wonderful relationship with Marie.

As we head rapidly into the season of giving, then immediately into the income tax season, we (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) are asking for TAX DEDUCTIBLE donations to go toward our very large Veterinary bill at
Pioneer Veterinary Clinic. We do not adopt out, and so we have not income from the elderly, abused
and disabled critters that come to us for the rest of their lives. These critters receive constant medical
care and daily medications. There are three ways to donate. PayPal. Directly to Pioneer Veterinary
Clinic. And through Zelle. If you donate through Zelle we will receive your name, but not mailing
address to send a receipt, so please text or message us at the phone number shown with your
mailing address.
Pioneer Veterinary Clinic - 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509) 765-6794
PayPal - Donate at the top of this page or go to PayPal and look for Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary
Zelle - (509) 989-3032 Zelle can be found on your bank app. Donations go directly from your bank to our account, and there are no fees charged to either party.
Thank you so very much for your donations in any amount in the past, present and future! Your donations are what enable us to continue to help the critters. We do not adopt out and have no income from adoptions.
We are the only ones that EVER ask for donations for Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary!!
UPDATE: He left for Rainbow Bridge about 30 minutes ago at midnight. He is Free now. He was warm and loved. We don't know if he could have been saved if he had been rescued earlier. There are no emergency services in Moses Lake or Grant County. The closest emergency services are approximately 80 miles in any direction and are EXTREMELY expensive just to walk through the door.
If you saw the post today, 12/30/24, asking for help for this kitty that wandered into a yard in the Peninsula area, we (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) have him. Vet office was closed so we have him at home. He is very, very sick.
Terribly dehydrated and fighting for his life. We have given him sub Q fluids, AmoxiClav and Terramycin.
We have told him about Rainbow Bridge in case he can’t make it through the night to get to Pioneer
Veterinary Clinic. He could use some prayers please. Thank you so much to the person that gave him
shelter and asked for help.

Every Christmas for innumerable years we (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) have adopted an elderly, abused or disabled critter from a shelter in Washington, Oregon, or Idaho within a few days of Christmas. We are full, just like all other rescues right now, but it is Christmas and the ones we seek are vulnerable and at risk in shelters due to so many people dumping old family critters to make room for new puppies and kittens. Although we had a dog earmarked in Moses Lake, he was blessed to be adopted and has a home of his very own. Because we believe that God works in mysterious ways we adopted a cat and a dog.
Both are very old and both were living with homeless people in some of the surrounding communities. We
paid for both of them, and their humans were sad to say yes to our offers, but they cared enough for the
critters to bid them goodbye. Winter is coming and they knew they would be vulnerable at their ages.
Homeless people that have critters generally take very good care of them. Sometimes they are the only true
friend that they have. And so we have carried on with another Christmas tradition at Daze of Camelot. We hope
that the holidays have been happy for you, and that the new year will bring you good health and happiness!

UPDATE:15 year old Sparky that came to us (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) November 24, 2024 along with her 15 year old kitty sister who were going to lose their home and face a devastating end two days later. In addition to being deaf and having cataracts Sparky’s blood panel showed that she has several medical issues that require specialized food for her kidneys and Denamarin for her liver malfunction for the remainder of her life. But she was cleared for receiving an anesthesia for a dental. You could smell her rotten teeth from across the room. Today (12/9/24) Sparky had her much needed dental. She lost 13 teeth - many of which had roots that had rotted away over the years. Sparky has adjusted well to her new home with us and has become a loving member of our family. And she has adjusted to her new diet. She is now in her forever home with us. The cost for Sparky’s medical so far is $1,134.74. This does not include her special food (KD) or Denamarin.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Sparky please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate ABOVE.
Over the past four weeks we (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) have taken in several elderly dogs and cats that have either lost their humans who have passed away, or have otherwise found themselves homeless. We do not post critters that need to be spayed, neutered or need vaccines, just the ones that require considerable medical care. Today, 11/24/24 we received
15 year old Sparky and her 15 year old kitty friend. Her kitty is healthy but Sparky is deaf, has cataracts , and
needs an extensive dental. Her options were not good when her family moved across the country. We made an
appointment at Pioneer Veterinary Clinic for her new dog exam, full blood panel, and to schedule her dental.
Her dental will of course be performed if her heart and complete blood panel show that she can survive the
anesthesia. UPDATE: Sparky's blood work showed a few issues due to her age, but she is cleared to have a
dental on December 18. Meanwhile she is on a specialized diet for issues with her liver, and mild kidney
malfunction. We will update and keep you posted as her journey with us continues.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Sparky please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate above.
You can also donate through our Zelle account 5099893032. Please be aware that Zelle does not give us your mailing address.

15 year old Bobby came to us (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) 11/6/24 after his owner passed away and he was left without a home. Dogs can be rehomed quite easily at any age. We have received them at 20 years old old and they have done well. The same does not hold true for cats. When a cat has spent this many years with one owner rehoming becomes
questionable. It is not unusual for them to shut down, refuse to eat, and choose to die. When Bobby
arrived he was full of purrs, ate fairly well and was very social. A few days later his appetite waned
and we started supplementing his meal with force fed AD. Then he stopped drinking water and we
administered sub-q fluids. It became apparent that there was a medical problem and we took Bobby
to Pioneer Vet where Dr. Redding ran extensive blood work. Bobby has pancreatitis. Bobby spent 6 days
in the hospital. He began eating on day 5. He is on a specialized diet, antibiotics, anti nausea meds and
pain meds. He will remain on a special diet and pain meds forever. Pancreatitis causes pain. We hope to
be able to provide a few more years of comfortable life for Bobby. The bill for his care is $1,043.22.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Bobby please mail or phone a donation IN ANY
AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794. You can
donate above, through PayPal for Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary, or through Zelle for 509 989-3032.
Thank you so much!!

I am a believer that things happen for a reason. We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) have frequented Bob’s Restaurant in Moses Lake as our favorite for over two decades. Many of the Servers, Management, and Cooks have been there the whole time and are friends. When we arrived yesterday (10/17/24) there was an ambulance parked outside. After
about 30 minutes one of our favorite Servers came to us to say an elderly man had gone down. A long
time customer. She sat with him waiting for the Medics. He made her promise to take care of his 17 year
old dog and his old cat. He has no family. We offered our help if needed. He was air lifted out. And today,
10/18/24, she told us he didn’t make it. His beloved critters lost their daddy. Could we take them please?
This is exactly what we do. We will be meeting her tomorrow to bring his precious cargo to our home.
Please send Heavenly prayers to Ken, and prayers and light for his two long time companions as they
come to Daze of Camelot.
RUBIEE UPDATE 10/25/24: As you may recall Rubiee is the little 17 year old deaf and partially blind Chihuahua that came to us (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) October 17, 2024 after her human daddy passed away. Today (10/25/24) she is at Pioneer Veterinary Clinic having a much needed dental. BUT prior to being able to have an anesthesia for her dental it was necessary to run a full panel blood test to ensure that her kidneys and organs would withstand the anesthetic. The results showed some kidney failure and possible Addison’s Disease. She returned to Pioneer Vet yesterday for a 2 hour work up looking for Addison’s - and it was negative!!! RUBIEE came through her dental today losing 9 teeth. We have also switched her to Royal Canin kidney food, both canned and dry. The cost so far for her dental, exams, multiple bloodworks, medications and special food is $1,532.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Rubiee please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate above.

OTTMAR UPDATE 11/1/24: Ottmar is a very sick kitty. His initial exam was 10/30/24 with Dr. Maier at Pioneer Vet. We ( Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) had a full blood panel run as well as a SNAP test ( checking for FIV and FELV). Thankfully the SNAP test was negative. BUT the bloodwork showed that he is EXTREMELY anemic with a blood parasite. He is now on added medications which Dr. Maier said will last for months. He has to return weekly for a blood draw.
As of today his charges are $447. Ottmar is a sweet and loving boy and deserves to live. Please
help us care for him by calling a donation in any amount to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic (509)765-6794,
mailing to 827 Sharon Ave, Moses Lake, WA 98837 or donating ABOVE
Thank you so very much!
If you saw this kitty on Facebook 10/27/24 nobody stepped up to help him. We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) picked him up today (10/29/24) and are treating him for a severe upper respiratory infection, eye infection, and an injured front leg. We are calling him Ottmar. He is not eating and appears to be quite thin. He is not neutered but is too sick to be neutered right now. Ottmar will be examined at Pioneer Vet, and we will have a SNAP test run to check for FIV and FELV - neither of which are deadly for several years. We are hoping he isn’t there yet.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Ottmar please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509) 765-6794

We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) were contacted 10/26/24 by the Moses Lake Police Department about a cat that had been hit by a car in the Peninsula area of Moses Lake, wondering if we could rescue it. We went immediately to the location, picked him up (we have named him Juan) and took him to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic. His back legs
are not working right now, but he does feel deep pain in his toes so he isn’t paralyzed He has a
massively shattered pelvis, and might need an amputation in the future. We have taken him home,
where he will remain in a small cage for 6-8 weeks while his pelvis heels, and maybe his leg. He is
on AmoxiClav antibiotics and Bupronorphine for pain. The cost for his treatment today was $253.49.
Juan is a very friendly, neutered male. If he is your cat please contact us at (509)989-3032.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Juan please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate here

You might have seen the video 10/18/24 of the paralyzed cat behind Bargain Town in Moses Lake that needed to be rescued. We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) contacted the owners of Bargain Town and found out that little “Scooter” has been there for about 6 months. Loretta feeds the strays and ferals every day, but she was afraid Scooter
wouldn’t survive the winter. And she was correct. His little legs would have become frozen. He is
also incontinent. We were there at 6:30 this morning (10/19/24) to rescue the little guy and bring
him home, and inside. Although he is semi feral he is able to be handled - or will be once he gets
to know and trust us. Today we vaccinated and wormed him. He will have a Vet appointment at
Pioneer Veterinary Clinic within the next week and is scheduled to be neutered.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Scooter please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794

We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) were contacted by Tacoma Pierce County Humane Society regarding a recent rescue they did confiscating a Yorkie that had chewed off both front feet, a Yorkie that needs a leg amputation, and an elderly Papillon that is deaf, blind, and in desperate need of a dental. Daze received the little Papillon 10/9/24. We have partnered with TPCHS for several years regarding elderly, abused and disabled critters that are deemed
unadoptable and are in need of extreme medical care. We have named this little old lady Pappi.
As we transferred her from the transporters vehicle to ours we noticed there was a prolapsed
“something”. We are sure it wasn’t visible when she left TPCHS or during their exams of her. We
called Pioneer Vet immediately and told them we were about 2 hours away, but on our way. Once
there, they took her in immediately. The prolapse is actually tumors coming from her vagina.
There are more inside. She is very old and has a heart murmur but lungs sound good and no
heart meds at this time. Surgery first thing in the morning. It is risky because of her age, but no
other option. They will go in, take the tumors and get out as fast as possible. If you are inclined
to pray please do so now for little Pappi. We want her to survive long enough to know that she is
loved and to be able to relax and enjoy life.
Pappi’s new dog exam will be 10/14/24 with Dr. Courtney Redding at Pioneer Veterinary Clinic where she will have a full blood panel and complete exam. Her dental is scheduled for November 1st. Coming to TPCHS with the other littles it is obvious that they all had a very traumatic life. We will update her story as medical exams and her dental are done.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Pappi please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794

UPDATE:MARI UPDATE 12/18/24: Mari came to us (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) in early October 2024 from Best Friends of Baker in Oregon. Her new dog exam at that time at Pioneer Veterinary Clinic showed that she is in kidney decline, which is typical in older dogs and cats. Her bloodwork cleared her for anesthesia for a dental in a few months with a blood recheck at the time. Mari had her dental today at Pioneer Veterinary Clinic , along with her follow up blood test. Her dental went well and she didn’t need any teeth removed! Her bloodwork showed further kidney decline and she will now be on a strict kidney diet. Although we will incorporate a small amount of canned KD into her meals we will be opting for a holistic homemade recipe that we will use on our other 3 kidney dogs. They will be eating white rice, diced skinless chicken breast, a splash of canola oil, omega 3 liquid, a touch of iodized salt, and a tiny amount of canned KD mixed in. We feel this will be healthier than specialized kibble and canned food. The cost for Mari’s dental and bloodwork today was $575.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Mari please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate ABOVE
You can also donate through our Zelle account (509)989-3032. Please be aware that Zelle does not give us your mailing address.
We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) were contacted by Best Friends of Baker during the first week of October 2024, asking if we had room for Mari, who had been dumped by her family during her golden years. She is a small, old, quiet female cow dog mix. She is a very gentle little soul.
Mari pretty much lives in her own little world, she is deaf and doesn’t see very well. She likes to
walk and smell around in the yard slowly a couple times a day or when she’s outside to do her
business. Mari gets tired easily and likes to spend a lot of time sleeping in her nice soft bed
inside the house.
Mari was on a special diet because when she first came into “Best Friends” foster care she was
vomiting up her food and gaging all the time. The veterinarian felt that she maybe had some
digestive issues, but after her foster parent tried different solutions, she discovered that Mari at
sometime in her past has had damage to her throat, she does not bark or talk at all. The only sound that comes out is a little raspy gaging sound. The food was irritating her throat and making her vomit. Mari’s new dog exam at Pioneer Veterinary Clinic on October 9 showed the possibility that her kidneys are starting to fail. She drinks a lot of water which often indicates a kidney issue. We got the ok to switch her diet to Blue Buffalo and chicken breast and Vetoquinol for her dry skin. She is estimated to be 11 years old. She will return for a second check of her kidney values December 9th and if they look good she will have a much needed dental that day and will lose most of her back teeth. The cost for Mari’s new dog exam and bloodwork was $230.20.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Mari please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794

.TIM UPDATE 10/14/24: Tim is the white Husky that was hit by a car 10/1/24 and brought to us (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) 10/2/24. We immediately took him to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic where it was determined his leg was broken, and would need to be amputated. During his initial exam he bit one of the Vet Technicians, and as
there was no history of an owner or a rabies vaccine he had to be placed on a 10 day rabies
hold before surgery. Well today, 10/14/24 was his day. The amputation was completed and
he was neutered and microchipped. Although we were able to bring him home tonight we
opted to leave him at Pioneer Veterinary Clinic overnight so we could watch him more closely
during the daylight hours. The cost for Tim’s surgery and his 10 day rabies hold was $2,355.67.
This is where we normally ask for donations, BUT Tim’s entire bill was paid by WOLFPACK
POWERSPORTS in Moses Lake!! Not only did they donate personal money, but they had a
barbecue that was free to the public to raise money for us to pay Tim’s bill, and the end
result was his entire bill has been paid. We are grateful beyond words for the kindness
and extreme generosity that was shown to us, and to Tim, during the past two weeks by
Wolfpack PowerSports. We always visit our hospitalize critters every day at the Vet, and
we contacted Jason and Mike (at Wolfpack) every day before going to visit Tim and one of
them met us at the clinic to visit also.
Of course we still invite everyone to donate toward our ever existing Vet bill by sending or
calling a donation in any amount to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave, Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509) 765-6794
Our Veterinary bills are ALWAYS enormous, and we do not adopt out and so have no income from the critters we save, and we rely entirely on donations. Thank you so much!

Today, 9/12/24, when we (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) were heading outside to feed the outdoor critters we found this baby squirrel at the front door. One of the cats must have retrieved it from under a tree and brought
it to the door - unharmed. The problem is we have tons of squirrels and hundreds of trees. There is
no way to tell where this tiny mite came from, or which tree to set her under waiting for a mother,
any mother, to come and get her. We have named her Muskrat. We immediately warmed a heating
pad, warmed puppy formula, and are feeding her as we would motherless kittens. She was starving.
Her eyes are open, and we estimate her to be about 5 weeks old. Muskrat continued to eat well for
the following 5 days. She loved KayTee mouse and rodent pellets broken into small pieces, and meal
worms. She loved her water and she loved being held. And then the morning of day 5 we woke to find
that Muskrat had passed away overnight. We were devastated.

If you saw the post from ARFS 8/20/24 you will recall this little dog was found by the Moses Lake dog park, injured and taken to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic by ARFS. He is microchipped, but nobody has responded to the call to his registered owner. After his X-rays and treatment he was sent to GCAO (Grant County Animal Outreach). Not only is he injured but his teeth are in horrible condition. We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) brought little Scamper home from GCAO 8/21/24 to foster him. He has a dental appointment September 3, 2024. Looking at his teeth we assume that they will ALL
have to be removed. They are absolutely horrible. We have Scamper on AmoxiClav antibiotics due
to the infection from his rotten teeth. He will remain on antibiotics waiting for his dental. He is also
on Gabapentin pain meds for both his injuries and his mouth. As of 8/26 there has still been no
response from the person his microchip is registered to, nobody has called the shelter looking for
him, or to any of the lost and found posts on Facebook. And so today we adopted this little old man from Grant County Animal Outreach. He is an old man. He is safe. He will be loved. We will update Scamper’s condition after his dental on September 3rd.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Scamper please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate above.

We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) were contacted 8/22/24 by O’Reilly’s Auto Parts
in Moses Lake about a kitten they had just found that was covered in fleas and was in bad
shape. The kitty will be called Minkie. We picked her up and she was given a flea bath, her
eyes and nose were cleaned out and terramycin applied, AmoxiClav antibiotic was given to
her, she was wormed and we are syringe feeding her kitten formula as well as offering
canned kitten food. We estimate Minkie to be about 3 1/2 weeks old.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Sugar please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate above.NO DONATION IS TOO SMALL!!

We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) were contacted 8/17/24 by a gentleman in Harvest Manor, Moses Lake, about a little dog that he found 2 days earlier. The little dog had been in the neighborhood for a few days with no apparent owner. None of the neighbors recognized him. BECAUSE HE HAS A BROKEN LEG he believes the little dog was
dumped. He posted pictures and location in three lost and found sites - but nobody responded.
That’s when he contacted us. We have named this little man Harvey. We vaccinated him
immediately and we are giving him mild pain meds until we can get him into Pioneer Veterinary
Clinic for his new dog exam and their recommendation for treatment of his leg. As it looks like it
has been broken for awhile, and there doesn’t appear to be infection we are not treating this as a
dire emergency. It will be another week before he is seen by Dr. Courtney Redding. Again, this does
not present as an emergency. His leg has been like this for awhile. We will post an update for Harvey once we know what treatment will be required. We are not asking for donations for him at this time.

We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) were contacted 8/7/24 about a young cat that was found many miles from here residing in or around a vehicle. Because she was sick the people who found her took her home, but they were not able to keep her and tend to her medical needs. We agreed to take her if they could transport her to us the next day. And they did so today. They called her Sugar, and we will too. Sugar has a fairly severe eye and upper respiratory infection.
Her bottom is quite sore and so we are watching for diarrhea. AND the toe beans on her left front paw
seem to be melted or glued together. She is not happy about our doctoring skills and although we are
able to get AmoxiClav antibiotics in her, and Terramycin in her eyes she absolutely will not let us look
at her paw. This evening we walked away with minor scratches but avoided being bitten after a minor
kerfuffle occurred during the treatment process. At this point we will continue treating her through the
weekend before we decide whether or not we need to take her to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic for further
treatment or just medication refills.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Sugar please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate above.

We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) were contacted 8/5/24 about an old German Shepherd that was found a week earlier on a country road. At the time she was found she was stumbling and disoriented. She is almost blind. The person who found her believes she wouldn’t have lasted another hour in the heat. They tried asking neighbors on the road if they recognized her - but nobody did. They took her home, had Animal Control scan her for a microchip, but there was none. They
advertised her on Facebook, and told the shelter about her. But nobody responded. It was recommended
that she contact us, and although we are beyond full there was no option for this old girl.
And so today we accepted Old Girl into our family. She is getting along with her small pack and seems
comfortable. She does not like her head touched which is an indication of possible abuse. She appears to
have had puppies in the past. She has teeth, but they are completely worn down. Old Girl has severe arthritis.
We will make an appointment with Pioneer Veterinary Clinic for her new dog exam, and to have a full blood panel run. Once completed we will post an update.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Old Girl please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate above.
We do not adopt out and so do not have income from the critters we take in. Thank you so much for helping us save the critters!

We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) rescued this little girl named Shadow tonight 8/4/24). But it was only because we were tagged in the initial post that we were able to see the post. More in a minute…
We are told that Shadow has been sick for some time. She is only about 2 years old, has had babies - who have all died. We will make an appointment for her tomorrow with Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, but because it is obvious that she is in respiratory distress we started her on AmoxiClav tonight. We are treating her eyes with terramycin and believe she has ear infections also, but without knowing the cause we are not using ear medications. Once she has been seen at Pioneer Veterinary Clinic we will post an update on her condition.
Because we were tagged by someone about the post made by Lost and Found Pets of Grant and Adams
County regarding this kitty we were able to look at the post. We immediately replied to the post with our
name and phone number. Because we have had “experience” with this site we immediately snapped a
picture so we could contact the person who posted Shadow looking for help. When we went to the site
to print the actual posting we were not allowed in. We always keep hard copies of EVERYTHING.
Paperwork yes. But we have reasons. We contacted the person who had Shadow and went immediately
to pick her up. Then we contacted the person that tagged us and asked if the post was still up - and it was
- so they sent us a copy of the post by mail. The picture of the post was sent to us by that person. The
picture showing that it isn’t available or that we aren’t entitled to look at it is what we saw when they
tried to message it to us. We are not allowed to access the Lost and Found Pets of Grant and Adams
County Facebook page. We immediately contacted two other … large rescues…and they are still unable
to access that site, and have been unable to for a long, long time.
And so we hope that people continue to post on that site, BUT IN ADDITION please post on Lost and
Found Pets OF GRANT COUNTY; Non-Profit Rescue Page of Grant County WA; ARFS Lost and Found
Animals of Grant County, and other sites. None of those rescues are able to look at Lost and Found
Pets of Grant and Adams County. We (Daze of Camelot) and the ones I named ARE NOT KEYBOARD
WARRIORS. Each of us spends tens of thousands of dollars every year in rescuing and saving animals.
If you don’t make your post in at least one additional site the rescuers can’t see it - and we can’t help. If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Shadow please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate above.NO DONATION IS TOO SMALL!!
SHADOW UPDATE 8/13/24: Shadow has been on AmoxiClav antibiotics since we (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) rescued her 8/4/24. Today was her first Vet appointment ( with Dr. Courtney Redding at Pioneer Veterinary Clinic). Because she still suffers from a major upper respiratory infection we needed to refill her antibiotics. At this point in time we don’t know if she is pregnant so a stronger antibiotic(doxycycline) was not prescribed as it could cause harm or deformities to unborn babies. Her ears are in bad shape. She has ear mites, but her ear drums were not visible. Ear medication was not prescribed as her ear drums were not visible. We have an ear flush that is to be used every other day for two weeks. At that time her ears will be rechecked to see if there is a polyp. If there is a polyp it would be a contributing factor to her slow recovery, and it would be surgically removed. The good news is that her SNAP test (checking for FELV and FIV) was negative. We will post another update after Shadow’s next visit in two weeks. The cost for her visit today was $195.
SHADOW’S NEXT UPDATE 9/10/24. You may recall that we (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) rescued Shadow 8/4/24 when she was in very bad condition. During her last visits (8/13/24 and 8/27/24) there was no improvement and her antibiotics were upgraded to doxycycline and an ear flush 8/27/24. During that visit Dr. Courtney Redding decided to schedule an ear surgery to look for a polyp. Today (9/10/24) Dr. Jennifer Brown performed that surgery. Dr. Brown located and removed an extremely large polyp located at the back of Shadow’s nasal passage. She identified another small polyp inside one of her ears, but was unable to remove that one as it was too small to grasp and remove. Shadow will return for another exam in 4 to 6 weeks to see if the second polyp is large enough to remove. As the polyp that was removed today was so large and in her nasal cavity it should help relieve her upper respiratory infection immediately. We will continue to flush her ears every other day, finish the doxycycline, and then switch back to AmoxiClav once the doxycycline is completed until her next visit. It has been a very long road for this little girl, but Shadow should feel much relief after her surgery today. The cost for surgery today was $175.01.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Shadow please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate above

We were contacted last week about a 30 year old horse that was in need of rehoming. We stopped bringing in new horses several years ago for financial reasons. We use 4 tons of hay every month. During the winter months we add supplements with senior feed which is quite expensive in itself. We are often contacted by people wanting us to take elderly horses.
The problem is they want us to be responsible for a horse that is near death and they don’t want to be
responsible for euthanasia and disposal of the body. Both are very expensive when dealing with horses.
In this particular case the horse (a mare named Kelly) belongs to a lady we met years ago when we
rescued one of her horses (Cricket). Because Kelly is in very good condition for her age (30), and because
Kelly and Cricket know each other from years past, we agreed to accept Kelly. If you know anyone that would
like to donate grass hay, alfalfa, or grass alfalfa mix we will gladly give a donation receipt for $20 per bale. A ton
of hay typically is 20-22 bales. We use 4 tons every month. NO DONATION IS TOO SMALL, and we will gladly come and pick it up!!

Animal rescue is seldom accomplished through the efforts of one person. Today, 7/28/24, we (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) were pleased to be the final stepping stone in the rescue of Papi. Papi is a very feral boy estimated to
be 5-7 years old. He was rescued a couple of months ago by Jackie Wells and Laurie Criscuolo from
living on the streets inhorrible condition. Jackie and Laurie do TNR (trap, neuter and release) in
the Moses Lake area when feral colonies are found. Papi was living in one of these colonies,
but when he was taken to be neutered it was discovered that his mouth was in such horrific
condition that he could barely eat. He was neutered, and a SNAP test revealed that he was
FIV (AIDS) positive. To make matters worse the condition of his mouth was caused from
stomatitis. In simple terms stomatitis is when the gums reject the teeth. Over time one or
two teeth can be pulled and medications given to ease the pain of eating, but Papi had reached
the point where every tooth was involved. But Laurie and Jackie didn’t give up on him.
All of his teeth were pulled and the chore of getting food into him and weight back on him began. And
they did it. Because Papi is extremely feral, has FIV which is contagious to other cats,
and will need lifelong medications for his stomatitis he needed a forever home. Enter Daze of Camelot.
Papi is housed in Kamp Kitty in two very large cages that are attached to each other and have a large
wooden box stuffed with straw attached at one end. He will visit with the other outdoor cats that come
in to eat, drink, sleep, get out of the heat and cold and other inclement weather. He is home. He eats
canned food mixed with water, and crunchies are available to snack on if he chooses as his mouth
heals. But the stomatitis will remain. He is alive and healing because of two rescuers that didn’t
give up on him. They didn’t have him euthanized. They gave him a new life. We are honored at Daze of
Camelot Animal Sanctuary to be able to continue to provide comfort and care for however long Papi is
around. Sometimes it takes a village. We have a village.

We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) have been a Rescue Partner with Tacoma Pierce County Humane Society for many years. We have received critters that needed amputations or eyes removed, birds that needed help, and critters
that were deemed too old or sick to be adopted. We were recently contacted by TPCHS regarding
Chewy, a 12 year old Pekingese who was surrendered because his elderly human was no longer
able to give him the care he requires. Of course we agreed to bring Chewy here, and told them to
have Chewy pack his fur for a road trip. Today, 7/27/24 we made the trip to bring Chewy to his
forever home. He has an appointment at Pioneer Vet 7/30/24 for his new dog exam, have his
bloodwork checked as well as his teeth.
CHEWY UPDATE 7/30/24: Chewy had his new dog exam at Pioneer Veterinary Clinic today and everything looks wonderful. He does have a heart murmur, but does not require any medications. He has ONE tooth. A solitary canine. It is in good condition, but probably serves little purpose other than to add to his cuteness!!

We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) were contacted today, 7/3/24, about a feral unneutered male cat that has been in the neighborhood for some time. He is in very poor condition. The caller has been feeding him, and he eats, but his condition remains the same. His name will be William. William was immediately transported to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic for evaluation and treatment. Dr. Kryshell Ballard ran a full panel blood test as well as a SNAP test. The SNAP test was positive for FIV and FELV. William’s kidney values and liver values were also in question. He was given sub q fluids, antibiotics and pain meds. As the clinic is closed
tomorrow for the holiday we have brought him home so that we can continue to administer sub q fluids, pain meds
and antibiotics. At this point in time we aren’t sure if we can save William, but we will try. If we are able to pull him
through this he will have a dental in the future. The charges today for William were $365.
For those that are following William’s journey you know that we (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) brought him
home from Pioneer Vet the night of July3 as the clinic would be closed for the holiday and we wanted to continue
his meds, give him sub q fluids, feed him and not leave him alone. The plan was to return him to Pioneer Vet this morning as an inpatient so they could administer IV fluids and medication until closing on Saturday, at which time he would come home again. Unfortunately William passed away last night at home. He was in terrible condition when we got him July 3, and when all the test results came back it was difficult to hold much hope - but we did. William was inside, and not outside in the tremendous heat we are experiencing. He was safe, cared for and loved. We hope he knew that. We tried - and that’s all we can ever do.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for William please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate above.

If you saw the post on Facebook about this cat we (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) have just picked him up. (6/29/24) Vets are closed until Monday but we will start him on antibiotics and eye meds immediately. We will assess the very large wound on his chest and determine if we should clean it or leave it until he is seen at Pioneer Veterinary Clinic Monday.
We will look for and remove ticks, but will not apply flea/tick meds until we get an ok to do so from our Vets. We are giving him Sub q (under the skin) fluids as he is extremely dehydrated. We are also giving him antibiotics (AmoxiClav) and eye meds.
We have taken many ticks off of him. We have not addressed his severe chest wound. He is in serious condition.
TANK UPDATE 7/1/24. Tank is the name of the cat that we (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) brought brought
home two days ago after he was rescued by a very caring lady. If you read our previous post you know that he is
in bad shape, and that we have been administering sub q (under the skin) fluids and giving him antibiotics and eye
meds while we waited for Pioneer Veterinary Clinic to open today.
The call from Dr. Courtney Redding just came in. It isn’t good news. The mass on Tank’s chest is a huge tumor. His
blood count is terrible and he is struggling to breathe. It’s time for him to head to Rainbow Bridge. We are
currently away from Moses Lake, but they are keeping him comfortable until we can get there. He has only known us for 3 days, but we are the only family he has. We will not let him leave without being there with him. And he will be buried at our home. Please send Tank Light and Prayers

We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) were contacted about a cat (Kiki) that was attacked by a dog and the owners are not able to provide medical care. Kiki has been surrendered to us, and we took her immediately to Pioneer Veterinary
Clinic. Surgery was done today (6/26/24). Kiki’s eye was removed, and she has a left side broken jaw. The
jaw is broken in an area that would require a dental surgeon specialist, which we cannot afford. Our other
cat (Dude) that we are currently treating also has a broken jaw in 2 locations. One location is wired and
the other is not. Dude is doing well. KiKi will too. Kiki will be re examined in about 6 weeks to determine if
her jaw is healing without any issues. If it is determined at that time that her K9’s are hitting her soft pallet
we will do another surgery to remove those teeth. Meanwhile KiKi is on pain meds and antibiotics and will
be fed a very soft canned food. We will hope she likes AD, and if not we will begin with Beechnut chicken,
turkey and beef baby food. Kiki will have a long recovery time, but she will recover. Her doctors at Pioneer
Vet today are Dr. Jennifer Brown and Dr. Kryshelle Ballard. The cost for her treatment today was $783.67.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for KiKi please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to
Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate above.

We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) were contacted June 5, 2024 about a feral cat in Quincy with a possible leg injury. They had been feeding him (Tuxie) for some time, but he had begun favoring a front leg a couple weeks earlier. Could we take
him. They trapped him immediately and brought Tuxie to us. We have now had Tuxie neutered, vaccinated, and his
leg has been xrayed. It is indeed broken - but has been broken for some time and has started healing - incorrectly.
Tuxie is EXTREMELY feral and it was decided to wait another 6 weeks and take another xray. At that time it will be
determined if amputation is best, or if he can painlessly keep using his leg. Meanwhile he will remain in his medical
cage here. The charges for Tuxie’s medical treatments so far are $320.73.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Tuxie please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate ABOVE.
TUXIE UPDATE 7/31/24: For those that might remember feral Tuxie that came to us (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) June 5, 2024 with a broken leg, this is his amazing update. His first vet appointment was June 20 when he was neutered and his leg examined. At that time we didn’t know the extent of his injury. X-rays verified that his leg was indeed broken.
Because he is so feral we were told to confine him in a small kennel and bring him back 6 weeks
later for another xray, at which time it would be determined whether or not his leg required an
amputation - not a particularly good outcome for a very feral kitty. Yesterday, 7/31/24 we returned
Tuxie to Dr. Courtney Redding at Pioneer Veterinary Clinic for his 6 week checkup and further
X-rays. We were happily amazed at the results. The pictures show his initial X-rays and the very
serious break. And then there are the X-rays taken yesterday!! Dr. Redding explained how incredible
cats are at healing. Because we kept him in Kamp Kitty in a kennel large enough only for his bed,
litter box and food and water, but not room to walk around, he achieved what I consider miraculous
healing. Dr. Redding went on to say that this type of healing does not occur in dogs. Cats are different!!
Tuxie is to remain in his small kennel for another 4 weeks. At that time we are to move him into a large
kennel where we can observe how he walks. At that time if he appears to be in pain with severe
limping we will proceed with an amputation. We are hoping and praying that another month in small
confinement will allow for a complete recovery of his broken bone, and he will be able to join our other
feral and outdoor kitties. Because the outdoor cats come into Ft. Meow and Kamp Kitty for food,
bedding, heat and cool air Tuxie already knows them, and they know him. We are very excited at
Tuxie’s recovery so far, and hope he will continue to progress and be able to join the other outdoor cats in another 6 weeks or so.

We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) received little Chico today 6/13/24. We were notified last August by a neighbor that he runs the neighborhood. We told the neighbor to offer the owner our help by taking him. Well today his owners handed him to that neighbor to keep. Little Chico is 15 years old. If you look at his eyes you can see the sadness. We hope to change those eyes. Little Chico has a new dog exam next week, and two weeks later he will be neutered and have a much needed dental. His teeth are rotten and some are loose and falling out.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for little Chico please mail or phone a donation IN ANY
AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate above.
Because little Chico is showing signs of distress we took him to Pioneer Vet this morning instead of waiting for his
appointment next week. Full blood panel was good. X-rays showed his heart is huge and he has a major heart murmur
and so now he is on 3 heart medications. Please say a prayer and send light for this little one.
Chico Update 6/19
Chico had another appointment today. Today was with Dr. Courtney Redding who re examined him. To those who were concerned about his ability to survive a neuter and/or dental in two weeks you will be relieved to know you were right. His horrible teeth cannot make his heart condition any worse than it already is. And he won’t be neutered. At 15 years old this old man will live out his days taking his 3 heart medications, eating his special diet, living inside, and being loved for however long his heart allows. We might not always agree with your opinions, but we appreciate your input. This time you were right!
CHICO UPDATE:Several people have asked for an update on little Chico. Chico came to us June 13, 2024 at the age of 15 years after being discarded by his owners. He is now on 3 heart medications and cannot be neutered or have a
desperately needed dental as he wouldn’t live through the anesthetic. When he came to us he would
only eat hot dogs. We have been able to introduce him to baked, finely diced chicken thighs which he
has now accepted. The first picture shows his arrival day. The second one shows that he is now
comfortable in his new home. We don’t know how much time little Chico has left as his heart is very bad.
But he knows he is safe and loved.

We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary)were contacted 6/6/24 about a cat that had been hit by a car last night. We received the cat early this morning and took him immediately to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic. His jaw is broken in 2 places.
We have named this kitty Dude. The surgery to repair his jaw that is broken in two places was successful today at
Pioneer Veterinary Clinic with Dr. Jennifer Brown. X-rays showed that the first break is on his bottom jaw, and has
been wired shut. The wires will remain for 6 weeks before being removed. The second break is on his upper jaw. It
is not wired and will heal on its own over time. He was also neutered. Dude is on antibiotics and pain medication and
will be eating canned food. He’s a hurting boy right now, but we have been through this surgery MANY times over the
last 28 years. He will be fine. The cost for Dude’s surgery and care was $492.31. Please donate ABOVE if you would
like to help!
We have had many with this situation over the last 28 years, and all have willingly eaten canned food. Dude is the
exception. Although he is a happy boy and craves attention, purring and wanting to be held, he will only drink water.
He will not even slurp down Royal Canin Recovery Convalescence liquid. And so we are syringe feeding it to him twice
daily. He takes it willingly and seems to like it, but won’t drink it from a bowl. If we were not able to get this into him by
syringe feeding the alternative would have been placing a feeding tube from his neck into his stomach, and feeding this
same liquid through the tube. We have done this several times over the years. And so Dude’s journey continues.
He is a good, good boy.
DUDE UPDATE 7/19/24: Dude was rescued June 6, 2024 after he was hit by a car, you might remember that his jaw was broken in 2 places. One break was able to be wired until it healed, and the other break needed to heal on its own as it couldn’t be wired.
He survived the first couple weeks by being fed a liquid diet by syringe, then progressed to canned food, and finally
to dry cat food.
Today, 7/19/24, his wires were able to be surgically removed. Dude is now able to live the life of a normal kitty.
He is a loving boy, constantly making biscuits! The cost for Dude’s surgery today was $125.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Dude please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to
Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate above.

If you saw this post from Grant County Animal Outreach yesterday 5/24/24 we (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) are now fostering to adopt these two babies. The little boy is very protective of the tiny girl. The worried look in their eyes is lessening as we hold and cuddle them. Who does this to beloved family members? Once the hold period is over they will both have dentals, vaccine updates and any required medical. Thank you GCAO for saving them, and for trusting us with their care.
Tinkles and Toto, the bonded pair that were thrown over the fence at GCAO 10 days ago, we (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) adopted them after their hold period expired. Today 6/4/24 was their new pet exam at Pioneer Veterinary Clinic. Both received vaccinations and worming. Tinkles weighs a whopping 3 pounds and is estimated to be at least 10 years old. Her teeth are in terrible condition and she is being scheduled for a dental. There is a growth over one eye that will be examined more closely during her dental. Toto is estimated to be 7 years old. He weighs 7 pounds 10 ounces. His teeth are in good condition. Toto’s left front foot has had an untreated fracture in the past. It does not require surgery. His right rear foot has a nailbed infection that we are treating with AmoxiClav. These two are precious. They are totally bonded. They are now comfortable with us and know that they are home. They know they are loved. The total cost today for their visit today was $257.37.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Tinkles and Toto please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate ABOVE. Tinkles and Toto are the bonded pair that were thrown over the gate at Grant County Animal Outreach. Their new dog exam was last week after we (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) adopted them.
Tinkles is the only one that needed a dental and today 6/10/24 was her day! Little Tinkles lost 13 teeth today and will be so much healthier with her infected and rotten teeth gone! The cost for her dental today was $720.

Annabelle came to us (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) 6/3/24 at the request of Pioneer Veterinary Clinic after the person that found her was no longer able to care for her. She is approximately 3 1/2 weeks old and has some medical issues.
Dr. Maier lanced a large abscess on her head this evening for us. She appears to have some diarrhea. She is
still on formula. We are treating her with AmoxiClav antibiotics and terramycin for her eyes. She will be a separate
cage from Wilbur until her health improves.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Annabelle please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to
Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate above.
We do not adopt out and so do not have income from the critters we take in. Thank you so much for helping us save the critters!

WILBUR UPDATE 5/28/24 7:00 p.m.
I really didn’t expect to make this post - BUT WILBUR IS GOING TO MAKE IT!! More meds, lactated ringers, several
formula feedings, and his warming disc. Posting a picture that we just took. Thank you for sending prayers and light
for this little Soul. If he makes it through the night I believe he will survive.
Wilbur came to us (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) Tuesday, 5/28/24. He is approximately 3 weeks old and he
is dying. We have him on a warming disc, lactated ringers fluids, antibiotics and formula. We don’t know if we can
save Wilbur, but we have to try. Please send light and prayers his way.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Wilbur please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate above.

The first picture is the post that Bonnie Helvey of ARFS posted in Lost and Found Pets of Grant County. She and Sheri DeRam have been watching this momma and 9 puppies for a few days, and looking for a foster. We (Daze of Camelot
Animal Sanctuary) are beyond full but we knew we had to do something. We gathered supplies that we
had and bought a few more to construct a temporary shelter for this emaciated momma and her 9
puppies. With a spot for them available Sheri went again to Royal City, gathered the puppies that were now
spread out over the road, and then trapped mamma. By the time she got to us we had constructed a
temporary shelter for the family. Keith DeRam will be driving them to Whidbey Island tomorrow to a foster
that Bonnie knows. In this thing called rescue it is critical that we all work together. It’s all about the
animals. Thank you Bonnie, Sheri and Keith for saving this family.
UPDATE: Transport was not available the following day as mamma escaped from the enclosure
Sheri came back over and we spent 6 hours trapping her again in our yard. She didn't
go far as her puppies were still in the enclosure. Once trapped we moved momma
and her puppies into our horse trailer. Dale attached wire to the openings to prevent
her from escaping. With straw, food and water inside they were safe again. Collecting
the puppies inside the trailer was easy. The following day Bonnie Helvey was able to get momma into a
crate for transport. Teamwork and time!

We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) were contacted today 4/6/24 by Pioneer Veterinary Clinic about a tiny kitten that someone found on I90. She is now safe at home with us and is with a mamma cat that we rescued about 6 weeks ago that
is still nursing her single kitten. We are applying Terramycin to her infected eyes and adding AmoxiClav antibiotic.
Thank you to the person that saved this little one from certain death on the highway, and thank you Pioneer Vet
for contacting us!!
We are naming her Olive.

We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) were contacted the evening of 5/1/24 about a stray cat with a prolapsed uterus. The person contacted two other rescuers- both of which told her to contact us for help. We had the kitty (now named Sweetie) to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic by 7:30 in the morning. She was terribly dehydrated, and the smell was very strong.
By 11:30 she was still on fluids and IV antibiotics as doctors were attempting to get the swelling down
before surgery.
Dr. Redding just called (2:25) to say that surgery is over, and that it was horrific. Dr. Maier assisted with
surgery and was attempting to push everything back inside so that Dr. Redding could properly remove
what needed to be removed. Some of Sweetie’s insides were malformed, and those parts were removed too. Little Sweetie is sutured inside and sutured and stapled outside. Because of the extreme extensiveness of the surgery they are
waiting to see if her urinary tract will be functioning. Sweetie will remain in the hospital tonight on IV fluids,
antibiotics and pain meds. We will be waiting to see if she is able to urinate, and of course eat. If all is well
in the morning she will come home. If you are inclined to pray please do so now for this little wisp. She is a
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for SWEETIE please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate above.
We do not adopt out and so do not have income from the critters we take in. Thank you so much for helping us save the critters!
Sweetie was able to urinate today which shows that her urinary tract was not compromised during or after
her extreme surgery yesterday, and so we (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) were able to bring her home.
Dr. Redding and Dr. Maier were both integral in her surgery yesterday, and they both told me that once surgery
was over and Sweetie was being sutured up they BOTH let out a “whoop, whoop”. I can’t tell you how much
this whole ordeal has warmed my heart. My trust and faith in the doctors and staff at Pioneer Veterinary Clinic
has never wavered over the 28 years we have been taking critters there. The cost for Sweetie’s surgery and care was $1,234.95. No donation is too small, and all donations should go to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509) 765-6794 or donate above.
Thank you so very much for helping us save little Sweetie 24!

Smokey Boy
came to us (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) 4/10/24 from a gentleman in Kennewick, WA who had been caring for him for several months. He was limping when he was found and got to the point several weeks ago that he could
no longernegotiate stairs, so his person took him to a Vet in Kennewick. X-rays and exams revealed
that the leg wasnot only broken, but had been broken for some time. He was quoted $5,000 - $6,000
to repair the leg. Heposted his dilemma on Facebook and was contacted by Jackie Wells, who reached
out to us. As you can seefrom his photo Smokey Boy is a large, older male. His huge jowls show that
he is an unneutered male. Hisexam at Pioneer Vet today also showed the terrible condition of his
mouth and teeth, and an eye infection.
We do many amputations and dentals and know the cost will not be anywhere close to what his owner was
quoted. We are waiting to hear the date of his amputation, dental and neuter and will post an update at the
time of his surgery. Smokey Boy is a good, good boy!
We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) took Smokey Boy to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic this morning , 4/19/24,
for his leg amputation, extreme dental and neutering. He has been in pain for some time before being rescued
and taken to a Kennewick Vet by Eddie G. of Kennewick and Jackie Wells of Moses Lake. Smokey Boy has lead a
rough life on the streets but is safe now. The cost of Smokey’s medical today was $1,350.

March 24, 2024
Saw two distinct rescues for us (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary). You have probably read our post of little Faith, but that same day we received another old girl that was also posted on Facebook. Her name is now Sally.
It was said that she had been wandering the streets for several days before she was picked up by a Good Samaritan. Sally was very matted, very scared, and appeared to be in very bad condition. She has had a senior blood panel run, but we were unable to look in her mouth as she was so afraid. We soon realized that she is also blind and has difficulty eating - probably from
bad teeth and possible jaw decay. She is scheduled for a dental April 11th, and we expect that she will lose all
of her teeth. Meanwhile, we are holding her while she eats canned food, and assuring her that she is now safe.
Sally was afraid to be touched when we first picked her up, but as the days pass she is allowing us to pet her
and hold her. Once her dental is done we will give a more thorough update on her medical condition.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for SALLY please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to
Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate ABOVE
We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) took Sally to Pioneer Vet 3/8/24 to review her full blood panel prior to today’s dental (3/11/24) to make sure that she was able to withstand the anesthesia. She is currently on antibiotics to counteract the effects of the massive amount of ticks that were on her when rescued, and to reduce infection prior to today’s dental surgery (4/11/24). Three more medications were added today after her dental. Today all of Sally’s remaining teeth needed to be removed. If you read our original post for her you know that she had been wandering the streets for some time. She was thrown away. She was terribly matted. She was covered in ticks. She is blind. During her dental today Dr. Courtney Redding examined one eye in particular that looked “suspicious”and found the resulting test shows glaucoma in one eye. We will be watching her closely in the future to determine if the eye needs to be removed. Meanwhile she will have specialized drops in that eye for the rest of her life to relieve the pain caused by the pressure from glaucoma. If it does not appear to cause her excessive pain while using the drops we will not have it removed. Sally was thrown away at approximately 12-14 years of age - in her greatest time of need. Turned onto the streets to fend for herself. Sally has now accepted us as her family and allows us to pet her and pick her up. We continue to hand feed her canned food as we assume she is unable to eat the dry kibble. Hopefully this will change now that her terrible teeth have been removed. The cost today for Sally’s dental, added medications, glaucoma testing was $865.28.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for SALLY please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate ABOVE

We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) received a call for help 4/8/24 for Slinky, a cat found in Quincy with a badly broken leg. Her Vet appointment today revealed that her leg has been broken for a long time. As she is estimated to be only one year
old she has been living with pain for some time. Today she was treated for ear mites, given pain medication to
take at home, and she received her first vaccination. Her amputation is scheduled for April 29. We will post an
update at that time.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for SLINKY please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to
Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate above
SLINKY UPDATE: Well today was her day!! She is absolutely the sweetest little girl, and will no longer be dragging her broken leg. We are always amazed at how quickly the cats and dogs recover from amputations and go on to live a pain free life with little to no restrictions. Once healed Slinky will head to a new forever home with Hands N Paws. The cost for Slinky’s surgery today was $964.52.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for SLINKY please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate ABOVE.
We do not adopt out and so do not have income from the critters we take in. Thank you so much for helping us save the critters!

Today, 4/5/24 we (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary)
welcomed Kevin and his Goose to live out their lives here. They were brought to us by Kate Tsyrklevich of
Heartwoodhaven Rescue on the west side of Washington. Kevin is a 14 year old, blind Potbelly pig whose
owner became homeless. His goose lost his mate and adopted Kevin as his new comfort and best friend.
They came together. Heartwoodhaven is awonderful rescue. They rescued 99 pigs last year that were destined
for slaughter due to loss of their humansand from over hoarding and the inability to feed them.

We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) just (3/24/24) received this old girl that was found dumped in a field in Soap Lake. She is too old, blind, and in too horrific condition to have walked into the field. She was picked up by a Good Samaritan that noticed her, but she was only able to move about 10 feet when they approached her. Her fur is matted and loaded with sticks and debris. It’s been like this for a while. Her eyes are glued shut, and have been like this for a while. Her teeth are absolutely horrible, and
IF SHE LIVES will have a dental that will surely remove all remaining teeth. She is loaded with fleas. Both of
her ears are infected. She has one mammary tumor and you can see that she has had many litters. She is
probably from a back yard breeder puppy mill. Her stomach is huge and we worry that she might be full of
dead puppies - or cancer. We are going to name her Faith, because she is going to need prayers and Faith to
survive. A very generous groomer, Emma Gallaway in Ephrata allowed us to bring her immediately to be
cleaned up and trimmed as much as possible. We highly recommend using Emma for your grooming needs
as she is a practiced groomer and a very compassionate lady. You can reach her at (509) 681-0710. We will
have Faith at Pioneer Veterinary Clinic at 7:00 in the morning when they open. Please keep Faith in your thoughts and prayers today and tonight. She has had a very, very bad life.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for FAITH please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate above at the yellow dot.
We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) took Faith to Pioneer Vet this morning (3/25/24). Dr. Maier took X-rays and verified that her huge belly is not from dead puppies or a large tumor. That’s the good news. What he did find was that little Faith
suffered a broken pelvis at some time which didn’t heal properly. She doesn’t walk well because her right rear
leg is separated from her hip. She is full of rocks that she must have been eating after being dumped as she had
no food. Her teeth are terrible and she is old. She has double ear infections and eye infections. We are running a
full senior blood panel on her to check her organs. Because of her belly and the amount of water she is drinking
Dr. Maier suspects Cushing Disease. The blood panel results will help to verify that. Faith is spending the day in
the hospital and receiving an enema as the is packed with feces. Hopefully the rocks will pass on their own, but
we will watch for signs of distress. Once she is healthy she will be able to have a dental, which will no doubt
remove all of her teeth. She will also be able to have surgery to reattach her leg to her hip. Faith has lived a horrible life. She will be loved and pampered during whatever time she has left. We will be learning today the dietary and medication requirements for Cushing Disease. So you can see the before and after pictures. Emma Gallaway gave little Faith a complimentary grooming at 5:00 last night. She loved being pampered and no longer is covered in mats that are full of branches and debris. The cost for Faith’s visit, treatment and medications today was $600.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for FAITH please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate above.
We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) took Faith for her dental today (4/5/24). Because of her extreme medical condition we had Pioneer Vet run more bloodwork first to be sure her organs would withstand the anesthesia. All 14 of Faith’s remaining teeth were pulled. She remained in an incubator and on IV fluids for some time before being release. She is also on two new medications. You might recall that she has a broken pelvis that never healed, and a leg that was broken in the past and separated from her hip. As she gets stronger over time we she will have another surgery to reattach her leg to her hip. The cost for her dental and medications today was $553.32.

We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) were contacted today (3/15/24) about a cat that was brought into the clinic in serious condition from a blockage. The original owner posted the cat on Facebook looking for a foster, no medical condition was mentioned. A lady offered to foster the cat, and she woke up this morning with her Ring camera showing the owner dropping
the cat at her house at 7:26 - taped in a box. No phone call, no message, and won’t respond. The lady
that found the cat at her door in the box took the cat to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic where it has been
determined the cat has a major urinary blockage. She was quoted $800 - $1200 to help the cat. She
doesn’t want it euthanized. So when Pioneer Vet called to ask if we will take the cat instead of euthanizing it we said yes, and asked them to get a release signed from the person that brought him in.
The pictures that you see are Tigger lying flat. The original Facebook poster posted this picture on Facebook along
with the story that they had JUST found the cat FOUR TIMES SINCE JUNE 2023!!! The remaining pictures are taken
by the RING camera at the house of the person who offered to foster him. They were taken at 7:26 a.m. when he was
being dumped, TAPED IN A CARDBOARD BOX, at the door of the person who offered to foster him!!!
He is currently at Pioneer Veterinary Clinic being treated for his blockage. At this point in time we don’t know how
long he will be there. We have erased the name of the original person who made the post from the picture we are
posting. The cat’s name will be Tigger 24.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Tigger please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to
Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate above at the yellow
UPDATE: We tried desperately to express Tigger's bladder twice daily for two weeks. Some times we were
successful, and most times we were not. We constantly took him to Pioneer Vet so they could express it. They
had a difficult time doing so each time. They told us on the last visit it was the largest cat bladder they had
ever seen. They let us know that if it burst he would be in excruciating pain and would not live through it. As that moment we decided to set him free to go to The Rainbow Bridge. As he left we held him and whispered promises that he would be free of the pain he has endured for at least 10 months. We told him he would be running free with other kitties.
We do not adopt out and so do not have income from the critters we take in. Thank you so much for helping us save the critters!

This is our (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) Foster Fail. We have named him Scrappy. He was posted on Facebook about 2 weeks ago as running around the North 40 area of Broadway Ave. He is a Shih Tzu, and had long hair during the first postings. Then it was posted that someone picked him up and obviously clipped him. But he was either turned loose again or escaped. He was next picked up last week by Karlene Vanderstrom-Leal of GCAO around the location of US BANK, a mile away! The owner was contacted (from an original post offering to give the dog away) and Karlene was told they no longer want the dog! When we saw
the post that she rescued him from the streets we offered to foster him for GCAO. Over the next few days at
our house it became very apparent that he is an escape artist. He was able to constantly move and get through
the gate that kept him in the living room, and was waiting at the front door to escape. We believe that is the
reason his owner dumped him. He probably escaped from their house and a fenced yard often. He probably
escaped from the first person that picked him up by North 40. But he got along with our other small dogs and
loved sleeping under the covers in bed with Dale. Because we are afraid that his pension for escaping would come to a tragic end if adopted out by GCAO we asked if we could adopt him as we believe he will be safe with us. So Scrappy is now part of our family. He is our foster fail. GCAO paid for his initial Vet visit and vaccine. We (Daze of Camelot) have now had him microchipped to us and have scheduled his neuter and next vaccine in a couple weeks. The microchipping was $60, his neuter is $217, meds $30, and next vaccine $53.69. Scrappy is safe and loved.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Scrappy please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate above.
We do not adopt out and so do not have income from the critters we take in. Thank you so much for helping us save the critters!

We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) are in possession of a Great Dane dog that was rescued off of I90 by a
passerby in the area of Moses Lake. Founder was rescued in a field off of an I90 rest stop. He was extremely
emaciated and in bad shaped. We answered their request on Facebook looking for a home for him. Although
we advertised at the local shelter and on Facebook nobody stepped forward to claim him. We are certain that
he was dumped at the rest stop. In addition to being emaciated his feet were raw - probably from running
after the car that dumped him. Bonnie Helvey with ARFS found him a wonderful forever home in Friday Harbor
with a lady that had recently lost her elderly Great Dane. He will have a very loving forever home. We do not
receive any money for him being adopted. We are just sincerely grateful that Bonnie was able to find him a
wonderful home.

***ICY UPDATE!!!***
For those of you who are following the progress of Icy (Vanilla Ice) we (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) have been medicating him daily for about 5 weeks now after receiving him from another rescue who was unable to care for him any longer.
Although he is still on daily medications he is now healthy enough to be neutered, which was done at Pioneer
Veterinary Clinic 3/4/24. At this time we are hoping that he will not have to have one or both of his eyes removed.
We are still medicating both eyes daily. He is, and will remain blind. Although he remains in a large medical cage
he is a happy boy who loves to be held and takes his medications easily. As of 3/13/24 Icy is free inside the house!
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Icy please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to
Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate here above.
We do not adopt out and so do not have income from the critters we take in. Thank you so much for helping us
save the critters!

Little Honda came to us (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) 2/19/24 when we were contacted by the Honda dealership in Moses Lake about a kitten they found in the engine of a car, unresponsive. We immediately took her to
Pioneer Veterinary Clinic where she received fluids, sugar solution, and AD feeding. She is in a
medical cage at our house and will be monitored closely.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Honda please mail or phone a donation IN
ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794
or donate above at the yellow donate button.

Vanilla Ice came to us (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) 2/12/24 from Shawna Kluge and Rock Bottom Rocker Pet Pantry who was no longer able to care for his medical needs. His medical needs are extensive at this time. He is on several
medications which we have ordered from Pioneer vet and will pick up tomorrow. he will probably require
an enucleation (eye removal) of at least one, and possibly both eyes, and he will be neutered when well
enough. We have an appointment Monday (2/19/24) with Dr. Redding at Pioneer Vet to reassess him. We
are changing his name to Icy.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Icy please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to
Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate above at the
yellow donate button.
We do not adopt out and so do not have income from the critters we take in. Thank you so much for helping
us save the critters!

UPDATE 2/15/24
Sheila and Yana have adjusted to living with us. Sheila is very matted down her entire back. Unusual for a short haired cat. We will
Be clipping the mats off little by little as she is quite old, and seems fragile. The biggest revelation is that Yana, the black kitty, is totally deaf. She seems very happy to lay in a bed below a large upstairs window but she has periods of meowing loudly as if in distress. Once petted and ears rubbed she is happy to resume sleeping or sitting on the windowsill observing her new domain. We put a bright collar on her to help identify her as we have several black cats, and will not want her to go outside
if she comes downstairs and is interested in venturing out with the others. She would not be safe outside
as she is totally deaf and only responds to vibrations and touch.
Several days ago we (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) were contacted about 2 cats in an outlying town.
Their elderly owner had passed away and the cats were put outside. No family stepped up to take them in,
and they needed to be rescued. Today (2/8/24) we traveled to the house to try to get the cats. The Siamese was there, but was very afraid. We were able to get her to come out of hiding with canned food. Although we couldn’t get her to come to us she came close enough to the food so we were able to net her. She is an old girl that needs to be inside. We have named her
Sheila. The second cat was nowhere to be seen. We headed back to Moses Lake and contacted Yana and
Kim - the expert feline trappers - and asked for their help. They not only went immediately, but Yana called to
say she was holding the black cat and would bring her to us. We named the black kitty Yana! Both cats are
now safe from the elements, the road, and dogs. This rescue was the result of 3 rescuers (Sheila, Daze of
Camelot and Kim and Yana) working together to save animals. This is how rescue should always work. Rarely
is rescue achieved by a single person. We are blessed to work with many caring rescuers. It takes a village!!

We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) were made aware of this dog toward the end of January 2024. We were told that he has been like this for over a year, and endured 103 degree weather last summer in this condition. Many thanks to Sheila for keeping an eye on him and keeping us updated. We asked Bonnie Helvey with ARFS to assist in getting the owner to release the dog to us. she spent several days working on it, and it is because of Bonnie that the owner agreed to let us BUY him. He will be having an initial exam at Pioneer Veterinary Clinic tomorrow (2/3/24). His vaccinations will be updated, microchipped, appointment made for neutering and an appointment for being shaved while under anesthesia. We will also run a full blood panel to check his health. We are grateful that the owner allowed his transfer to us, and we are grateful to Bonnie Helvey for stepping in and making this happen.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for D.K. please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to
Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate above at the
yellow dot.
We do not adopt out and so do not have income from the critters we take in. Thank you so much for helping
us save the critters!
We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) took D.K. to his first Vet visit today at Pioneer Veterinary Clinic. He received 3 vaccinations which will be boostered in 3 weeks, was wormed and had a full exam by Dr. Maier. He is 3-4 years old. No
testicles were found and we won’t know until he is sedated and shaved if it is because he was previously
neutered (owner said he is not neutered) or if he is cryptorchid (testicles are inside). They will ultrasound
him at that time. We are hoping he is neutered and won’t have to endure a cryptorchid surgery. We were
able to trim the hair away from his eyes, but that’s about it. He did very well at his appointment, was a
little afraid, but loved Dr. Maier. He is eating well at home, and is settling in. He has always been an outdoor
dog, and will remain so for now. That will probably change once he has been shaved. We are waiting to find out when his appointment for being sedated and shaved will be. We were able to trim the hair from around his eyes. And look at his smile! His new name will be Deacon, which sounds a lot like his original name.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Deacon please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794
We do not adopt out and so do not have income from the critters we take in. Thank you so much for helping us save the critters!
If you have been following Deacon’s journey with us (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) you know that we bought him from his owner 4 days ago (2/2/24) for $500. On that day his new life began! For 2 years he endured his fur being in the condition
you see in the pictures, through rain, snow and 103 degree weather. TODAY he was given an anesthesia and
shaved! His skin is in fair condition but he had a lot of cheat grass removed between his toes. THEY SHAVED
11 POUNDS OF MATS OFF OF HIM!!Although the owner said he wasn’t neutered, he is. No cryptorchid surgery
is needed! Now that the massive mats on his back are gone the scanner showed that he was not microchipped.
He is now. He is now living inside and enjoying the company of a couple of our large indoor dogs. We will leave
a coat on him long enough for him to get used to having no fur. It will grow back quickly. Labradoodles require
constant grooming. We are asking Pioneer Veterinary Clinic to look for a good home for him with one of their
clients. Someone they know and trust. He will receive his last vaccination boosters in three weeks. The cost
for Deacon’s rescue was $1,065 ($500 to buy him from owner, $265 for shaving with anesthesia and removing
imbedded cheat grass and microchip , $150 for first set of vaccines and worming and $150 for second set in
3 weeks. This is not the first time we have paid an owner to rescue an animal - and it
probably won’t be thelast. We can only pray that the remaining years will be full of love
and caring for him.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Deacon please mail or phone a donation
IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837
(509)765-6794 or donate above at the yellow dot.
We do not adopt out and so do not have income from the critters we take in. Thank you so
much for helping us save the critters!

In a devastating house fire January 24, 2024 near Ephrata two elderly human lives were lost. Two young large, family dogs were housed outside and were safe. Although they suffered smoke inhalation and required medical treatment a tiny Chihuahua and a very old calico cat were pulled from the fire alive. All 4 were transported to Grant CountyAnimal Outreach (GCAO).
We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) are currently fostering to adopt the Chihuahua and the kitty while
Grant County Sheriff processes the incident. We have scheduled a dental and neuter for the elderly
Chihuahua for February 5, and are administering medication to both. The old kitty’s name will be Phoenix -
as she rose from the flames. Her little whiskers are burned and curled, and she is on respiratory meds.
The little Chihuahua will be Fuego - Mexican for Fire. He is also on respiratory meds. Although they were
brought to Pioneer Vet yesterday by GCAO we are transferring yesterday’s medical records from GCAO
to Daze of Camelot. The charges for yesterday’s visit, exam and medications was $545.38.
We will be posting an update for dental and neuter fees for Fuego after his surgeries on February 5th.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Phoenix and Fuego please mail or phone a donation
IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or
donate above at the yellow donate button.
We do not adopt out and so do not have income from the critters we take in. Thank you so much for
helping us save the critters!

We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) were called 1/14/24 to rescue a feral cat that had been crying outside in -4 degree weather for several days. We were told that both eyes were glued shut. The caller was feeding the cat, and had contacted
several rescues asking for help - with no results. We showed up hoping to net the cat but it wouldn’t come
out of the bushes. At that time we did not leave a live trap but agreed to come back in the morning to trap it.
As morning came they texted to say they were able to get the cat to go into a carrier and shut the door. We
immediately left to pick it up and take it to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic. We named the kitty Henry. The
examination at the Vet showed that one of Henry’s was already gone. As the eye had already disappeared it
wasn’t an emergency to clean the socket and suture the eye closed to prevent future infections. Henry was
vaccinated and has been receiving antibiotics at home until today 1/24/23 when his surgery was done.
Although semi feral when we brought him home Henry has adjusted well to being petted. Henry’s medical
costs to date are $510.25.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Henry please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate here at the yellow donate button above.

We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) were contacted 1/8/24 about a cat that had been injured in the fan belt of a car. This time of year cats will get into engines of warm cars. Many die. If Facebook blocks his injury pre surgery photo I am
posing it in comments also. Dippy is a male that is less than a year old. He will have a long recovery at our
house, but he will be one of the lucky ones to survive being caught in a fan belt. The cost for Dippy’s
emergency surgery was $1,200.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Dippy please mail or phone a donation IN
ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837
(509)765-6794 or donate above at the yellow donate button.
We do not adopt out and so do not have income from the critters we take in. Thank you
so much for helping us save the critters!

Shyanne came to us (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) in 2015 when we were contacted by the Grant County Sheriff’s Department to rescue a horse, several rabbits a dog (Shyanne) and our beloved pig Ruby Stubenmaier . They had been deserted in 100 degree weather in the middle of nowhere. Shyanne was feral and it took us 3 days to catch and trap her. Through the years Shyanne has remained semi feral, but eventually allowed us to pet her and tolerates our company. Over the last few days Shyanne stopped eating, lost weight, became depressed and had diarrhea, and so we took her to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic 1/15/24 where Dr. Maier ran bloodwork and X-rays to try and determine the cause of her illness. The bloodwork was unremarkable, as were the X-rays.
She was given IV fluids overnight and medications and we were able to pick her up the following day as
she had started eating. Shyanne doesn’t come running for attention as most of our dogs do, she is a
somewhat solitary soul, but she holds a very special place in our hearts. The cost for Shyanne’s veterinary
care was $366.45.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Shyanne please mail or phone a donation IN ANY
AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate
ABOVE at the yellow dot. We do not adopt out and so do not have income from the critters we take in. Thank you so much for helping us save the critters!

Harlee Update 1/15/24
Harlee had another visit and exam at Pioneer Veterinary Clinic today. She is still very sensitive and painful in her hindquarters. A brief surgical exam showed that there is NOT a visible hernia. We will be letting her out of her medical cage at home within the next few days. She isn’t a fan of other cats, but she will have lots of room to roam and find her own space. As spring and warm weather arrives she will have the option of being an indoor/outdoor girl if she chooses. The cost for Harlee’s brief surgery and exam today was $266.40. If you would like to donate toward her recent expenses you can do so at the yellow dot above or by phoning a donation to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic at (509) 765-6794. No donation is ever too small! Thank you so much!!
Harlee Update 12/30/23
X-rays at Pioneer Vet Clinic revealed that Harlee probably received some sort of rear end trauma in the past. Several of her discs are pressed together, and the large swelling in her rear quarters and base of her tail are probably a hernia of some sort. Because she is eating, drinking, walking normally and using the litter box without an issue there will be no treatment at this time. It is possible that will change in the future, in which case surgery will be considered. We will monitor Harlee closely and pray that her condition remains stable. She is a good girl, but not much of a fan of other cats no doubt due to her discomfort. We are glad that she is part of our family now!
We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) have done a Christmas adoption every year for the past 20 years. We always try to adopt from our local shelter, Grant County Animal Outreach (GCAO). So yesterday, 12/23/23 we asked who needed help that we could fit into our home. Harlee is a 1-2 year old unspayed female tortoise shell kitty that has a massive swelling on her tail
and hind quarters. And she is in pain. Because of this nobody has been willing to even look at her during the
two months she has been at the shelter. Well Harlee’s dreams of a home for Christmas, and forever, just
changed. She was initially taken to the Vet where it was determined this is not an abscess. She was recently
transported to Spokane as a possible transfer, but was rejected as an examination revealed she is in need
of a major surgery. So as Pioneer Veterinary Clinic opens after Christmas we will be scheduling a full exam
with Dr. Courtney Redding to figure out a plan of action. Once we determine the type of surgery Harlee needs
we will update her condition, and ask for donations to help us help her. Meanwhile, Harlee is safe. She is loved. She is home. Merry Christmas from Harlee - and from Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary!!

Little Reba came to us (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) 12/29/23 when her caregiver was not able to provide the enucleation (eye removal) that Reba will need. It appears that little Reba also suffers from mild cerebellar hypoplasia (wobbly
cat syndrome). We have lots of experience with both!!! She appears to be about 10 weeks old. Her appointment
at Pioneer Veterinary Clinic in Tuesday, 1/2/24. She is currently receiving AmoxiClav antibiotic, terramycin eye
ointment, and as she is eating and has no temperature she has received her first vaccine. We will update her
condition and expected surgery date next week.

We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) were asked a couple months ago to accept Momma Kitty as she is FIV positive and her people could not keep her as they have 2 disabled cerebellar hypoplasia cats that would be at risk. Because we have FIV positive cats AND because we love cerebellar hypoplasia cats we brought Momma Kitty home. We have been waiting for her
dental date to arrive - and today (12/13/23) was her day. Mamma Kitty’s mouth was in bad shape, and she
had to have all of her teeth pulled. She is home, on antibiotics and pain meds, and will be much more
comfortable now! The cost for Momma Kitty’s dental today was $505.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Momma Kitty please mail or phone a donation IN ANY
AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate here
at the top of this page.
We do not adopt out and so do not have income from the critters we take in. Thank you so much for helping us save the critters!

We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) were asked today 12/4/23 if we would accept little Mochi Boy as his person is no longer able to care for him. Mochi’s back legs don’t work properly and he is a little bit incontinent. Mochi Boy is 4 months old. Althouh he has been being seen at a Vet in Moses Lake they aren’t able to determine if his disability is from an injury, if he was
born this way, or exactly what the problem is. We have made an appointment with Dr. Redding at Pioneer
Veterinary Clinic for his examination tomorrow, 12/5/23.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Mochi please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT
to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate at the top of
this page.
Mochi’s exam with Dr. Redding at Pioneer Veterinary Clinic this evening went very well. We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) are starting his vaccines over again, he was microchipped and received a flea treatment AND we are scheduling weekly laser treatment to begin soon in hopes that will help his incontinence, and more importantly help with his back legs issues (which might be neurological). After 6 weeks of treatment we will decide if it was beneficial and if we should continue. We did have a pup with similar symptoms about 3 years ago and weekly laser treatments helped her immensely.
We do not adopt out and so do not have income from the critters we take in. Thank you so much for helping us save the critters!

Cookie was 2 1/2 years old when she came to us (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) in May 2021. She had been found paralyzed, and was going to be euthanized. We brought her home, ordered her wheelchair from Eddie’s Wheels, had her spayed, and she has lived happily with us for the past 2 1/2 years. The morning of November 15, 2023 we found blood on the
mats in her area of the living room. As we picked her up to examine her we were horrified to see that she
had chewed off one of her hind feet overnight. We took her to Dr. Maier at Pioneer Veterinary Clinic
immediately. Dr. Maier explained that even though Cookie has no feeling in her back legs she would
have experienced “phantom pain”. I am familiar with that term from reading over the years about people
who have had amputations and feel pain in the area of the limb that was no longer there. We currently
have 3 paralyzed dogs that have been with us for years, and can be seen on our website All three have
wheelchairs purchased from Eddie’s Wheels.
Bolt is a Chow that came to us a couple years ago from Seattle; Marvel was sent to us many years ago
from Taiwan; and Cookie. We have had 3 other paralyzed dogs over the past 28 years. Bolt experienced
the same phantom pain about six months ago, but he was slow to start chewing his paw, and we were
able to save it. Cookie wasn’t so lucky as she chewed it off overnight. Dr. Maier and Dr. Jennifer Brown
sent us home with medication and a cone to keep her from reaching her foot again until surgery could
be done. Today (11/22/23) Dr. Brown amputated her leg. Although she has a wheelchair from Eddie’s
Wheels for walks outside in good weather we will buy her a new one to accommodate the loss of her
one rear leg, as there will no longer be a leg to drop into the one opening in her wheelchair. The cost for
Cookie’s amputation today was $1,023.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Cookie please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT
to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate above at the
yellow dot, or through PayPal.
We do not adopt out and so do not have income from the critters we take in. Thank you so much for helping us
save the critters!

Perhaps you saw our post (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) mid September when little
Bella came to us after her family didn’t want her any more. We had a dental for her at Pioneer
Veterinary where she had 18 teeth removed. She is a tiny little girl, and an absolute love. Fast
forward two months - Bella is now residing at Monroe House in Moses Lake. We had her
required Vet exam , vaccinations and paperwork completed 11/20/23 and took her to Monroe
House. Several hours later we made a visit to see how she was doing. She was sleeping peacefully
in the TV room on the lap of one of the ladies that live there. Both seemed very happy. She is a
companion dog to ALL the senior residents there.
We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) provide companion dogs and cats for residents in assisted
living facilities. We remain the “owner” and provide all medical care, (and food if requested) during
their stay. If the resident’s situation changes their companion returns to us.
It warms our hearts greatly to see the faces of residents light up when we deliver companion critters.

Jelly Bean came to us (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) 11/16/23 after the person that found him contacted 2 other rescues, and was given a medication by one rescue and told to call us for treatment and rescue. He is a good little boy,
approximately 7 weeks old. He was found a lone survivor during the cold weather after his siblings had died.
Jelly Bean had his eye removed today (11/17/23) at Pioneer Veterinary Clinic. He was vaccinated and wormed
today. He will remain on antibiotics for two weeks and will be much healthier now. The charges for Jelly Bean
today were $499.32
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Jelly Bean please mail or phone a donation IN ANY
AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate
above at the yellow dot.
We do not adopt out and so do not have income from the critters we take in. Thank you so much for helping
us save the critters!

In a wonderful turn of events we (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) received a phone call from one of little Bonnie’s doctors at WSU. Dr. Hottmann was with Bonnie during her 5 day stay at WSU, visiting her constantly. And she fell in love with her.
Dr. Hottmann asked if she could adopt Bonnie. She loves her. Bonnie needs one more surgery on her other broken
leg in a few months. We were blessed to have donations to pay for her first surgery of $5,000, but honestly don’t
know if we would be able to raise that again for her next surgery. Dr. Hottmann not only loves Bonnie, but will be
able to provide her second surgery. Who are we to deny either one of them that relationship. And so once again
we thank everyone for your financial and emotional support during this journey. Because of what we do we don’t
always see happy endings for our critters. But little Bonnie just won the gift of a lifetime of love and security.

We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) travelled to Washington State University today, 11/3/23 for Bonnie. Her 4 1/2 hour surgery was completed yesterday, and she is doing great!! She remains in a fair amount of discomfort from her long
surgery, but still has a wonderful attitude. Dr. Danner was her surgeon and physician and Dr. Hottmann was
her emotional support during her 5 days at WSU. Their compassion and kindness toward both Bonnie and
Dale and I were beyond compare. We would like to thank everyone for donations that made Bonnie’s surgery
possible. We received $4,600 in donations toward her $5,000 surgery. We are SOOO grateful for everyone’s
financial AND emotional support. Bonnie has endured a lot during her 6 months of life - but she is now on her
way to having a normal life. She will rehabilitate for several months before she will be ready for surgery on her
second broken leg. I am including a list of her requirements for daily exercises. She won’t like them, but they will help to make her whole again. We are humbled and grateful beyond words for the support you have given Bonnie, and Dale and I over the last couple weeks. Thank you again!!

We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) spent the day at Washington State University (WSU) today, 10/30/23 with little Bonnie for her assessment for possible surgery and costs. Surgery would be done one leg at a time, with the first surgery
to be done on her right leg. The bone HAS come through the skin and is in danger of causing major infection
and sepsis. The cost for this surgery is estimated to be $5,000 to $6,000 dollars. WSU requires the BALANCE
TO BE PAID IN FULL before releasing the patient. As mentioned in an earlier post donations CANNOT be called
in to Pioneer Vet, as those could only be applied to our Pioneer Vet account. Over the last few days we have
received $1,300 in cash donations toward the possibility of this surgery. We gave that money to WSU today, and
we left Bonnie for her surgery. We are hoping she can come home Friday, but we are in desperate need of
donations to help pay for her surgery. Please find it in your hearts to donate ANY AMOUNT directly to us. You
can do this at or by taking CASH to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic and telling them it is
for Bonnie Casebolt at WSU. Once again, Bonnie is only 6 months old. She came to us about 2 weeks ago with
both back legs that had been broken for some time. The pictures show her x-ray, and the estimate of $5,000
to $6,000Your kindness is greatly appreciated.

UPDATE 10/25/23
Fuzzy had several seizures during the night, and this morning she remained in a constant seizure that the doctors were unable to bring her out of. We set her free. She is now at Rainbow Bridge running healthy and free.
We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) received a call the morning of 10/24/23 about a young, neighborhood
cat the caller had been feeding for about 2 months. During this time she was able to determine that the kitten
was deaf, but healthy. Things changed the previous day when the kitten (we have named her Fuzzy) began
having trouble breathing and stopped eating. We picked Fuzzy up, took her home to a medical cage, and within
5 minutes she was having a grand mal seizure. We immediately called Pioneer Veterinary Clinic and we’re told
to bring her right in. Glucose test was normal. Dr. Kryshelle Ballard decided to keep her overnight to administer
IV fluids and watch for more seizures. A SNAP test was run and was negative. As of 3:00 Fuzzy has had 2 more seizures. Her blood work is unremarkable. There are no known toxins that she could have gotten into. She will remain at the hospital overnight with meds and fluids, but it doesn’t look promising for little Fuzzy. At this point her charges are over $400. If you would like to donate toward the care she has currently received please do so at the yellow donate button above.

Today (10/12/23 while at Pioneer Veterinary Clinic a call came in about a cat that was found with a broken leg, but the person who found it couldn’t afford to help it. We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) were asked by the staff if we would be willing to accept the cat - and of course we said yes! Dr. Maier x-rayed her legs while we waited, and the result was shocking.
BOTH back legs are broken - and have been broken for some time. This little girl is only about 6 months
old. We are naming her Bonnie. Because the legs have been broken for so long we aren’t sure right now
if this will require one amputation or two. Now this sounds terrible I know, but Bonnie has been living like
this most of her short life and is dealing very well with her disability. So today her expenses are X-rays,
vaccine and spay for $497.
If and when it is determined that amputation of one or both legs is is recommended we will post again for
another fund raiser. Meanwhile Bonnie is safe at home with us. She is a loving girl who was thankfully found
before the cold, wet weather arrives.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Bonnie please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate above at the yellow donate button.
We do not adopt out and so do not have income from the critters we take in. Thank you so much for helping us save the critters!
Dr Redding at Pioneer Veterinary Clinic contacted WSU Veterinary College about possible treatment for Bonnie.
We have an appointment Monday, October 30 at WSU for an exam, more x-rays and the estimate of possible
treatment. Monday will be $800. Once we have their suggested plan for treatment we will be asking for
donations- LOTS of donations - as they require payment at the time of service. Because GoFundMe takes
4-5 weeks to disburse donations we will be asking for donations through PayPal. PayPal and GoFundMe
both charge fees, but there isn’t any way around that. We will not be able to proceed with surgery without
your help. I will post on Monday the cost of surgery. Please find it in your hearts to help little Bonnie. If you
haven’t read her story and looked at her x-rays please do so. We appreciate all of you more than you can possibly imagine.
Regarding possible Surgery for Broken Bonnie, our appointment at WSU is Monday, October 30. The visit,
X-rays, consultation, etc. is going to be $800. WE ARE NOT ASKING FOR DONATIONS AT THIS TIME FOR
SURGERY because we don’t know if surgery is possible OR if we would be able to raise enough money
to cover the surgery. WSU requires payment at the time of service and so we would have to secure the
CLINIC. That money would have to go on our Pioneer Vet account and couldn’t go to WSU. Pioneer Veterinary
Clinic is setting up an envelope for CASH donations that are to be used for Bonnie’s WSU care. They will take
your name, address and phone number. IF WE DO NOT PROCEED WITH SURGERY WE (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) WILL CONTACT YOU AND REFUND YOUR CASH.
Once we determine IF surgery can be done AND the cost we will post asking for donations through our PayPal account or for cash to be taken to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic.
We are truly humbled at the outpouring of concern and love for little Bonnie. Please continue to send her prayers and light.

Baby came to us (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) in September 2023. Her human had been moved to assisted living several months earlier, and Baby and 2 other cats were left alone in the owners house as family members were unable to take them. Family would come in and feed them. We accepted all 3 cats, and the other 2 are doing fine. During the
transfer of Baby, Dale was bitten quite badly. We are used to this with cats and know to bleed the bite out
immediately and watch it closely. The following day Dale was receiving emergency treatment for the bite.
Baby was matted TERRIBLY and so we made an appointment with Pioneer Veterinary Clinic for her to be
shaved - with an anesthetic. When they opened the crate door she shot out and they needed to net her.
But they, too, are used to this! When we picked Baby up we were told that she has stomatitis so bad that
all of her teeth need to be pulled. Stomatitis in layman’s terms is when the cats jaw reject the presence of
their teeth. It is extremely painful, not only when they eat, but constantly. Sometimes removing one or two teeth will help. In Baby’s case her entire mouth was involved and all teeth needed to be removed. That was done today, October 18, 2023 and she had 24 teeth pulled. Dogs and cats are miraculous healers, and eat normally even when completely toothless. Baby has been in a medical cage at our house waiting for her dental. After she was shaved and the terribly painful hair mats were removed she
began to accept our presence more and more. She will remain in her medical cage for a couple weeks to
enable her to recover from her extreme dental. After that she will be in the house with the two other cats
that came with her, both of which are becoming more and more friendly.
The cost for Baby’s extreme dental today was $995.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Baby please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT
to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate above at the
yellow dot.
We do not adopt out and so do not have income from the critters we take in. Thank you so much for helping us save the critters!

15 year old Reba came to us (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) after her family didn’t want her any more. Today, 10/17/23 Reba had a much needed dental and had 15 teeth pulled. The cost for her dental today was $839.19.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Reba please mail or phone a donation IN ANY
AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate
at the top of this page at the yellow dot.
We do not adopt out and so do not have income from the critters we take in. Thank you so much for
helping us save the critters!

While at Pioneer Veterinary Clinic 10/13/23 a call came in about a cat that was found with a broken leg, but the person who found it couldn’t afford to help it. We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) were asked by the staff if we would
be willing to accept the cat - and of course we said yes! Dr. Maier x-rayed her legs while we waited, and
the result was shocking. BOTH back legs are broken - AND HAVE BEEN BROKEN FOR SOME TIME. This
little girl is only about 6 months old. We are naming her Bonnie. Because the legs have been broken for
so long we aren’t sure right now if this will require one amputation or two. Now this sounds terrible I
know, but Bonnie has been living like this most of her short life and is dealing very well with her disability.
So today her expenses are X-rays, vaccine and spay for $497. Her next appointment is with Dr. Courtney
Redding at Pioneer Veterinary Clinic October 21, 2023 for an assessment of the best way to proceed. We
are thinking that it will be recommended that we take little Bonnie to WSU for surgery as the legs have
been broken, and healed over, for so long. Bonnie is able to walk, but when it comes to sitting she half lays
down in order to position her hind legs properly. If and when it is determined that amputation
of one or both legs is recommended we will post again for another fund raiser. Meanwhile
Bonnie is safe at home with us.
She is a loving girl who was thankfully found before the cold, wet weather arrives.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Bonnie please mail or phone a
donation IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA
98837 (509)765-6794 or you
can donate through PayPal at the yellow button at the top of this page.

Last week we (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) became aware that 13 year old Teddy (momma dog)
and her 11 year old son, Bear, have been at the shelter for almost 3 years - since their owner passed
away. Even 3 years ago they would have been considered elderly as they are large breed German
Shepherd dogs. And they are bonded and needed to be adopted together. 3 years at the shelter - waiting.
The good news is that our shelter does not euthanize and so there was hope. Our Mission Statement for
over 28 years has been to rescue elderly, abused and disabled critters. Last weekend Dale spent 2 day’s
buying materials and doing a remodel to allow us to bring them home. He finally finished last night after
he got home from work and TODAY, 10/3/23 we brought Teddy and Bear “home”. They have a nice sized
area on our back deck and a very large roofed area that is enclosed with plastic to keep the wind and
snow away. Although they have two very large dogloos, this weekend we will buy enough plywood to
construct a dog house that will be under the roof, large enough for both
of them to fit inside, and tall enough to safely hold a heat lamp for the
coming cold weather. And straw. If you look at their pictures you can
see the hopelessness in Teddy’s eyes - and you can see how old she is.
They have a home again.
They won’t leave this world alone. And when it is time for them to cross
Rainbow Bridge their beloved owner will be waiting for them, to continue
their journey together.
If you would like to donate toward the building materials please do so above at the yellow area, or find us in PayPal under Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary. Thank you so much.

Whisper came to us (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) September 28, 2023 from another rescue. Whisper appears to be 3 to 4 weeks old. She is in very bad shape. Dr. Maier explained that she has a SEPTIC abscess that runs from
her umbilical cord into her hip joint . He has lanced the HUGE abscess and Whisper is now home with
us on antibiotics. If she survives it is possible that this will result in long term arthritis in her joint, but
we won’t know for some time. We are bottle feeding her formula and she is on a heating disc.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for WHISPER please mail or phone a donation IN ANY
AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 OR you
can donate at the yellow button at the top of this page
We do not adopt out and so do not have income from the critters we take in. Thank you so much for
helping us save the critters!
UPDATE 9/29/23: It is with heavy hearts that we lost little Whisper overnight. She had a dinner of formula,
and her antibiotics and was warm on her heating disc. Unfortunately she wasn't brought to us in time to
save her. All we can ever do is try...

When we (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) saw this post 9/17/23, we offered our help, and were called to
pick this baby up. Pinky (we named her) appears to be about 2 weeks old. As you can see, her eyes were glued
shut and one is infected.
Once home we gave her a flea bath, a drop of amoxiclav (antibiotic), a drop of Karo syrup, terramycin in both
eyes and of course formula. She was a hungry girl. Pinky is resting in her kennel on a heating disc,
accompanied by her stuffed mamma bear.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for PINKY please mail or phone a donation IN ANY
Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 OR donate above
at the yellow donate button.
We do not adopt out and so do not have income from the critters we take in. Thank you so much for
helping us save the critters!
UPDATE 9/21/23: Pinky is doing very well now. One eye seems to be okay, while the other eye remains very
questionable and might require enucleation (removal) in a couple of months when she is older and stronger.
We are continuing to apply terramycin eye ointment in both eyes twice daily, but there doesn't seem to be a
need for antibiotics any more. Other than the one bad eye she is doing very well, and meows loudly when it
is time for her next feeding!!!

Stevie came to us (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) 9/17/23 after being found with her two siblings in an orchard
in Chelan. They are about 4 months old. Stevie has no eyes, with possibly a very small globe in one socket. She was
vaccinated and wormed today, and will have a double enucleation (eye removal) and spay very soon to remove any
remains of eye globes and to prevent infection if sockets were left open. Stevie is a very loving little girl.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for STEVIE please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to
Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794, or you can donate at the YELLOW
button at the top of this page.
We do not adopt out and so do not have income from the critters we take in. Thank you so much for helping us
save the critters!
UPDATE 9/30/23: Stevie had her surgery today to remove any remains of the globes in her eye sockets and she was also spayed.
She has been doing very well at home without her eyesight, and this will continue to keep her healthy and prevent infections in her eye sockets.

Weighing in at a Whopping 5 pounds little Bella came to us (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) mid September 2023 when her family didn’t want her any more. Bella is 10 years old, and her teeth are terrible. We always have an exam immediately for our incoming critters that are old, to make sure they don’t need heart meds or a special diet for failing kidneys. Today,
9/20/23, Bella had a much needed dental, which resulted in having 18 teeth pulled. She will eat much
easier now, and be in better health long term. She will be on antibiotics for 10 days and pain meds for
several days. The cost for Bella’s exam and her dental was $1,200.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for BELLA please mail or phone a donation IN ANY
AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794
We do not adopt out and so do not have income from the critters we take in. Thank you so much for
helping us save the critters!

We were called by Pioneer Veterinary Clinic September 14, 2023 regarding a cat that was brought to their office by a person that found her. The person said the cat had been a stray for a long time. The cat was in very bad shape. Pioneer Vet asked if we would take ownership of the cat to allow treatment. Of course we said yes!! She appears to be an older girl and is suffering from an old wound in her hindquarters. The wound was full of maggots. She (PussPuss) was very underweight, and
very dirty. She appeared to be on her own and suffering for a long time. Dr. Maier admitted her
as an inpatient and immediately began IV fluids with antibiotics and gave her a Capstar to kill
the maggots and fleas. When we have a critter in the hospital I always visit them at least twice
a day. When I did so with PussPuss she seemed unable to move, but she purred when I pet her
and talked to her. It was acknowledged immediately that her prognosis wasn't good - but we
had to try.
UPDATE: It is with a very heavy heart that PussPuss passed away. The doctors at Pioneer
Veterinary Clinic did all they could to save her and keep her comfortable during her last days.
She didn't die alone, outside. She was warm and knew that she was being cared for. This one
was really hard for us. All we can ever do is try. PussPuss is now running healthy and free at
Rainbow Bridge.

Second Update 10/4/23: Magnolia is having severe seizures and is now on Phenobarbital to help control the seizures. We have several critters with seizures that take these medications every day.
Update: I am going to add that we have several blind cats - born blind, both eyes removed, etc. Magnolia does not act like a typical “blind” cat. I believe there is something else involved. Something isn’t quite right with her brain. She is safe here. She will be loved here.
You might have seen the Facebook post day 9/4/23 with the picture of a found, young cat, in
distress. We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) responded and picked her up. Once home
we named her Magnolia, vaccinated her and gave her food, Karo syrup and water. Although
she ate and drank normally the odd gait that the people who rescued her had noticed was still
there. In addition she showed signs of neurological damage. We guessed a possible broken
pelvis, which would account for an unsteady rear end walking as well as head trauma. We did
not administer pain meds in case there was head trauma, but decided to wait until her visit at Pioneer Veterinary Clinic.
Today (9/6/23) Magnolia was examined and X-rays taken at Pioneer Veterinary Clinic. The good news is that her pelvis is not broken. It is believed that she has mild cerebellar hypoplasia which accounts for her unstable walking. We have 5 CH cats that vary in intensity. Magnolia’s is very mild. CH doesn’t get better - and it doesn’t get worse.
Magnolia is blind. Her eyes are in good shape, and so the blindness comes from a problem in her brain. She will need to be an indoor kitty due to her inability to see.
The cost for Magnolia’s X-rays and exam today was $280.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Magnolia please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate above at the yellow donate button.
We do not adopt out and so do not have income from the critters we take in. Thank you so much for helping us save the critters!

UPDATE 9/5/23: Luna is doing very well here. He lets me feed and water without any signs of aggression (so far). He is enjoying watching the outdoor cats come in and out of Kamp Kitty to eat and sleep. We would never trust him inside the house, but if he tolerates us for several months we will open the doors to his enclosure so he can join the other outdoor cats.
Luna will spend the rest of his life with us (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary). The picture of Luna with a bow
was while he lived very happily for the first two years of his life. Six months ago that changed. He suddenly,
unprovoked, began viscously attacking all human family members. Doctors reported the family to CPS
To protect their children, their beloved family pet Luna had to go. A local rescuer stepped up to rescue him,
but he would throw himself at the cage trying to attack. Veterinarians were contacted and it was proposed
that Luna had just snapped. It is uncommon, but it happens.
We were contacted by the rescuer for our thoughts. They didn’t want to euthanize Luna, but his future looked dim.
Our research turned up a condition called idiopathic aggression which cause can’t be determined through behavior history or medical exam. They may bite repeatedly and remain in a state of negative arousal for extended periods of time.
Today, 9/3/23 we went to pick Luna up and bring him to Daze of Camelot. We have rescued “many ” extremely feral and fractious cats in our 28 years. Although not feral, Luna would be approached as such.
Once in a crate we took Luna home, where he will be housed in a VERY large cage inside Kamp Kitty. He will be
able to visit with our other outdoor cats , feral and otherwise, as they come in and out to eat and to sleep at night,
to get out of inclement weather, and stay warm in winter months. If his behavior changes over the coming
months or years we will open the doors to his enclosure and allow him to join the others. Luna is safe.
We want to thank his family for reaching out for help, to the rescue that took him in and looked for a safe haven
when they realized his condition was serious and irreversible. Luna is safe.
If you would like to help us with the care for Luna please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 or donate above at the yellow donate button.
We do not adopt out and so do not have income from the critters we take in. Thank you so much for helping us save the critters!

We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) have taken in 4 “needy” cats this past week.
Pippa came to us 8/27/23 from a neighborhood where 14 kittens had been killed by dogs.
She is a petite girl, about 6 weeks old who arrived with an upper respiratory infection and
infected eyes. We started her on AmoxiClav and terramycin immediately and she is
responding well.
We were called by the municipal airfield to rescue Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum 9/1/23 as
they were on the runway and were doomed to die. Apparently it’s quite common, but we
reached them in time. Both received vaccinations today and are scheduled to be neutered
September 27.
We also received a phone call from Pioneer Veterinary Clinic 9/1/23 asking if we would take
a tiny kitten that had been brought in. Of course we rushed there to pick her up, and named her Weezle.
She weighs in at only 8 ounces and is very tiny and underweight. She has an upper respiratory infection
and both eyes are infected - BUT it appears that one eye is gone. Weezle is on AmoxiClav and terramycin
and we are feeding her kitten formula by syringe. Once she is older and stronger she will need surgery to
remove any remnants of the globe that was once an eye, and suture the area closed to prevent future
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Pippa, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum and little
Weezle please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon
Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837(509) 765-6794 or donate above at the yellow donate button.
We do not adopt out and so do not have income from the critters we take in. Thank you so much for helping
us save the critters!

Hazel came to us (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) August 17, 2023 after being found with a front
leg that was dangling, and in need of amputation. She was taken to another rescue, who sent her to us.
We took her immediately to Dr. Courtney Redding at Pioneer Veterinary Clinic for X-rays, SNAP test,
vaccination and a medical evaluation. We are also treating her for ringworm, which apparently is quite
rampant in kitties this year. We are estimating her age at 3-4 months. Her amputation was performed
August 22, 2023 and she is home recovering. Hazel is a beautiful little girl with a gentle personality. Once
she has recovered from her amputation she will also be spayed.
The cost for Hazel’s amputation, vaccine and X-rays is $900.41.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Hazel please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT
to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794, or you can donate
through PayPal for Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary.
We do not adopt out and so do not have income from the critters we take in. Thank you so much for helping us save the critters!

We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) were contacted August 2, 2023 about a kitten with a bad eye in
Soap Lake. Although they called other rescues, nobody was willing to help. One told them they don’t deal
with feral cats or kittens. We are naming this little one Scrappy.
While waiting to hear from Pioneer Veterinary Clinic for the date of his eye removal Scrappy
was on AmoxiClav antibiotics at our home, and was vaccinated as he seems healthy other
than needing his eye removed. Scrappy is young enough to be tamed, and after he has recovered from
his surgery he will go to Hands n Paws rescue for adoption. We receive no income or compensation for
him being adopted out by Hands n Paws.
The total cost for the surgery for Scrappy was $604.00.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Scrappy please mail or phone a donation IN ANY
AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794. You can also donate
by PayPal for Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary.
We do not adopt out and so do not have income from the critters we take in. Thank you so much for helping
us save the critters!

Little Kari is one of the many that was brought to us while we were working the Warden fireworks stand for the Sand Scorpions ( our only fundraiser every year for 13 years). She’s a little girl, and full of love. Although other rescues were
asked to take her, we are the only one that accepted her. Today (July 18, 2023) was her day!! Her eye has
been removed, and when a little older we will have her spayed. Then she will be ready to go to Hands N Paws
for adoption. We receive no money for her adoption. The cost for Kari’s surgery was $559.29.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Kari please mail or phone a donation IN ANY
AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 .
We do not adopt out and so do not have income from the critters we take in. Thank you so much
for helping us save the critters!

The Elderly Bonded Pair from Tacoma Pierce County Humane Society that came to us (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) June 10, 2023 after sitting in the Tacoma shelter for over 7 weeks because they were old and needed to
be adopted together finally had their dental appointments this week. When the Tacoma Pierce
County Humane Society took them they came from a home of neglect and abuse. Prince adjusted
quickly once here, but little Pua was very afraid for about 2 weeks. She now realizes that she is
safe, will never face abuse again, and is still with Prince who she is bonded with. They were both
in desperate need of a dental. The odor from Prince’s mouth was horrible. But that ended today.
Our Vet said that Prince’s mouth was one of the worst they have seen. Both dogs are on antibiotics
and pain medication. The dental cost for Pua was $720 and the cost for Prince was $975 , totaling
$1695 for the two dentals.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Pua and Prince please mail or phone a donation
IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794.
We do not adopt out and so do not have income from the critters we take in. Thank you so much for
helping us save the critters!

A reminder to those new to our Facebook posts (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) or to our web site (, we provide companion cats and small dogs to residents in senior living
facilities. If you have a family member in an assisted living facility that allows small pets, and they
would like a companion, please contact us. We provide State required vaccines and medical before
entry, and we will provide continued medical and vaccines while your relative has our critter. Currently,
and in the past, we have provided companion animals to residents in Monroe House, Pioneer Village,
and Brookdale Hearthstone. We will also provide their food if asked to. The cat or dog continues to
belong to Daze of Camelot, and will be returned to us if your loved one’s situation changes. If your
loved one is in need of a companion critter while in a senior living facility we are happy to try and help.

We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) would like to once again thank the Sand Scorpions for letting us help to run one of their fireworks stands for the 13th year. As many of you know, this is our ONLY fund raiser every year. This year (2023)
we will be blessed with another donation of about $2,000 from the Sand Scorpions for our hours at their Warden
fireworks stand. During the 6 1/2 days we were there we were brought 7 cats needing critical medical care. (We
always have carriers and emergency supplies in our car) TURTLE requires both eyes removed. SPARKY requires
antibiotics, eye medication, and being fed with a syringe for a couple weeks . We believe we were able to save her
eyes, but we are waiting for the final outcome. FREEDOM is being treated for a broken leg. Amputation does not
appear to be necessary at this time. KARI requires one eye removal and antibiotics and eye medicine while waiting
for her surgery. CASPER is an older male Tomcat with an upper respiratory infection. We are treating him with
MOMMA CAT and 2 babies.
FOUR TWO WEEK OLD KITTENS that were brought to us by Warden Animal Control.
All 7 cats are receiving their set of 3 vaccinations. All 7 cats have appointments at
Pioneer Veterinary Clinic to be spayed.
Thank you for keeping you fur babies safe during the fireworks. We always stay
close to watch our horses, donkeys, goats and outside resident critters during
fireworks week. We always remove the picture posts regarding fireworks and critter
care immediately after the 4th, but we repost the same photos every year. We hope you save these photos to your
library and post them on your page.
Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary is a forever home for elderly, abused and disabled animals OF ALL KINDS.
We do not adopt out and so we have no income from the critters that come to us.
All donations should be mailed or phoned to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837
(509) 765-6794

We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) were contacted Sunday, June 11, 2023 by a couple that found a very small kitten the previous day with an eye that was protruding, and needed to be removed. Although they contacted other rescues nobody was willing to take the baby. When they sent us a photo we knew we had to step in. When we took
her we told them that we weren’t sure if we could save her. Although they were able to feed her milk
she was dehydrated, terribly thin and quite lifeless. Once home she (Simone) was not willing to take
formula and had to be forced to take the bottle. We gave her a flea bath, a drop of Karo Syrup, a
drop of antibiotics, and applied terramycin to her one remaining eye. Simone was tucked into a small
carrier with soft blankets, a heating disc, and a stuffed animal to snuggle with. We continued feeding
her every 3 hours until we could get her to Pioneer Vet the following day. Once there she was wormed,
given medication to soften her stool (which she will be taking at home every 8 hours for several days),
given sub Q fluids, and put in the incubator for several hours. When Simone is healthy enough her
eye will be removed. She loves to be held and sleeps peacefully when tucked under our chin.
Tuesday morning she woke up meowing and was ready for formula! Although she is still
critical we are hoping she will remain strong enough to continue improving and be able to
have the eye removed soon.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Simone please mail or phone
a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave.,
Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794 above on the donate button.
Thank you so much for helping us save the critters!

Olaffe came to us (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) from
Mattawa the first week of June 2023. She had been a stray for a short time but had recently started limping and was unable to use her left front leg. The lady that called us was unable to find anyone to help. She graciously
drove the cat to us in Moses Lake. We took Olaffe to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic the following day.
Examination and X-rays revealed that she had been shot. Her leg needed to be amputated.
Surgery was performed and we brought Olaffe home. She is a gentle girl that is recovering well.
The cost for Olaffe’s amputation and X-rays was $1,250.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Olaffe please mail or phone a donation IN ANY
AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794
OR donate above on the donate button! Thank you so much for helping us save the critters!

Ritzie came to Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary June 5, 2023 after being found wandering in Ritzville. Her rescuer took her to a Veterinarian who said that she was born with no eyes, and is about 7 weeks old. He offered to euthanize her, but the rescuer refused, and called us. Ritzie is taking antibiotics for an upper respiratory infection. She is a lovable little
girl with lots of spunk. Because her eye sockets remain open, it is necessary to surgically close them to
prevent future infections. If you would like to help us provide for this surgery donations can be mailed or
phoned to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509) 765-6794 .
We currently have 4 cats with no eyes. We don’t consider them “disabled” as they all get along and get
around without a problem. Our blind dogs do as well! It just takes a little time to adjust if furniture is moved!

May 2023 has been incredibly busy so far, and we are only half way through the month. We (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) received a cerebellar hypoplasia kitten (Fidget), a kitten we netted that was in the engine of a FedEx truck (Axl Rose), a feral cat (Mayo) hit by a car with a terribly broken pelvis, AND 5/17/23 we were called to rescue yet another cat that was hit by a car. This kitty will be called Midnight. Midnight suffered a very badly broken rear leg. We rushed him to Pioneer
Veterinary Clinic first thing in the morning, and his leg was amputated. BUT Midnight had apparently
been on the street, suffering, for some time. Dr. Courtney Redding found that he was wafer thin, suffered
terrible road rash and infection, AND has a badly injured front leg also. The front leg isn’t broken but it
will take a long, long time to heal. Even though his staples from the amputation will be removed in 10
days he will remain in one of our medical kennels for quite some time while he gains weight and his
front leg attempts to heal. The cost today for Midnight was $1,130.
If you would like to help us with the medical bills for Midnight’s amputation please mail or phone a donation IN ANY AMOUNT to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794
Thank you so much for helping us save the critters!

We received a call May 16th about a cat that had been hit by a car, and looked like it had one or two broken back legs. The person that called tried to get the cat, but it appeared to be feral. Dale and I headed to the location with our net and carrier, where the cat was leaning against a fence. Dale is the net expert and approached the cat slowly, but as he got closer the cat bolted along the fence line. The first attempt to net failed, but Dale ran, and fell flat to drop the net over the cat and secure it.
I came running with the crate but was afraid Dale was hurt. He wasn’t. We loaded the cat (now called Mayo)
into the crate and headed to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic. X-rays were taken, pain meds administered, and
because he was loaded with fleas he received a capstar (to instantly kill fleas) and a dose of Frontline.
Although he suffered no broken legs, Mayo’s pelvis is terribly broken. We have treated MANY critters with
a broken pelvis over the years. It requires kennel rest with little to no movement for 6 to 9 weeks. The question
for Mayo though was if the pelvis was so badly broken that he wouldn’t be able to pee or have a bowel
movement. Leaving him at the hospital for two or three days would reveal the answer. We could express his bladder if needed but if unable to go to have a bowel movement we wouldn’t be able to help him. May 18th Mayo remains in the hospital and is receiving meds while being observed. We are hoping to bring him home by the 20th. His charges so far are $350. If you would like to help us to help Mayo please mail or phone ANY donation amount to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837
Thank you so very much!

Enter Maggie. Maggie is a French Bulldog…commonly known as a “Frenchie”. The average cost to buy a Frenchie puppy is $2,000 - $3,000.
When Maggie left the local backyard breeder she had diarrhea. The diarrhea turned to bloody
diarrhea. She was rapidly losing weight from her already small body.
Maggie’s new owner took her to the Vet where it was discovered she had coccidia, which is a
specific parasite that requires extensive medication. It is highly contagious. It can come from
contaminated water, eating feces that is contaminated, and ground that has been contaminated
with it.
Coccidiosis can cause severe diarrhea, abdominal distress, vomiting, dehydration, and in severe cases death. Maggie
suffered from all of it. She was placed on several weeks worth of medications to cure the coccidia.
Although the diarrhea improved it didn’t stop, and she didn’t gain weight. Maggie’s new owner was unable to continue caring for her diarrhea, and the mounting Vet bills and medications .
They were considering euthanasia. That’s when we (Daze of Camelot Animal Sanctuary) stepped in, and Maggie was released to us April 26, 2023. Maggie weighs only 10 pounds!
Dr. Courtney Redding (Pioneer Veterinary Clinic) took X-rays, added probiotics, switched Maggie to a specialized diet and drew blood for two specific tests, Addison’s Disease (negative) and a specialized test that would take 14 days for results to be returned. Maggie was also placed on Royal Canin Gastrointestinal diet. Her medication is ground up and added to SMALL meatballs which we give her throughout the day in hopes she will absorb the medications before she poops it out. We are hoping to save her.
If you would like to help with Maggie’s continued care donations can be mailed or called to Pioneer Veterinary Clinic, 827 Sharon Ave., Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)765-6794.
If you buy from a breeder please check with THEIR veterinarian before purchasing to make sure they have vaccinated the puppies, the mother dog is healthy and cared for, and if they have any concerns about hip dysplasia, or other hereditary matters. Your dog’s life, and possibly the life of other dogs in your house depends on it.
UPDATE: For those of you that are following little Maggie’s journey we have news this morning. The good news is the coccidia is gone. The bad news is we are now switching to meds for giardia . We are still using 16 disposable pads daily, feeding Royal Canin Gastrointestinal canned with constant meds every 2-3 hours. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE THAT HAS ORDERED DISPOSABLE PADS FOR MAGGIE. I’m sure our UPS and FedEx drivers hate us, but your kindness is SO very appreciated. I will be sending out receipts as soon as I have time. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT MAGGIE CAME FROM A BACK YARD BREEDER!! FRENCH BULLDOG. DO NOT SUPPORT BACK YARD BREEDERS!!